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"Are you ok (Y/N)!" Megan was hugging me. Squeezing the little life I had left.

"Yeah, there just idiots....... Wait why are you here?"

"We finished that mission from yesterday and were coming back to your house," Aqualad said still concentrating on driving.

"That's when we saw that guy pick you up by the collar. Why were they doing that." Megan was standing next to me.

"It all started when I 'stole' their basketball that they threw at me the other day."

By the time we made it back which was like another 2 minutes I was ready to sleep. I let out a yawn walking off the spaceship or whatever it was.

I dragged me and my bag to my room and fell on my bed. On the way down I could see Robin looking oddly at me. Spandex followed me up.

"What are you guys doing back so early?"

"(y/n) got into a fight with the jocks of her school."

"And I didn't start it." I rolled over sigh as my body ached from all the running i felt like a noodle.

"Yeah but you did provoke them."

"Oh shut up spandex, it's call defending myself."

"Wait, what happened?" I turned to robin, he was the only one who didn't see what happened or at least a part of it.

"I'll just show you." Spandex brought out his phone.

"So your telling me you watched while that jock nearly beat my ass." I walked up to him ready to slap him.

"No...No the bio ship has a camera on it and was filming you."

"Like that was any better."

We all started watching the video

"I've been looking everywhere for you girlie."

"What do you want?"

"For you to pay me for that ball you stole from me."

"I didn't steal anything from you, you didn't seem to want it because you threw it at my head."

As the film played I could fell the tense air surrounding me, both of them didn't see what happened to me before.

"You should watch your mouth, bitch!"

"What about you swearing your ass off."

When they saw me kick his stomach I could fell them staring at me, but I kept my eyes on the video. And after I twisted the guys hand Spandex pulsed the video.

"Hey my favourite part was coming up."

"How did you do that?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I mainly did it off reflex."

Looking at each other before finishing the video.

"What the hell! LET ME GO YOU BITCH!"

"And let you punch me, no way!"

"Get this chic off me!"

I laughed when I saw the guys face after he got hit by a ball.

And walked back to my bed. I could hear spandex talking to Robin about liking me and he only got a punch to the arm.

"I'm.So.Tried!" I yelled trying to change their subject.

"Then shut up and sleep."

"It's only 3 o'clock if you haven't noticed and I have better things to do." An idea popped in my head.

"I'm going to watch a movie." I jumped up with a sudden burst of energy.

"Then robin will accompany you while I go out." And again for the second time he ran and jumped out the window. Both of us sighed and walked down stairs.

I picked (favourite action movie).

About half way through the movie I started to get tired, the best parts of the movie were done and I was tired even before the movie start. And I was out like a light.

I didn't know how long I was out for but there was an explosion....well in the movie and I opened my eyes. I had my head on Robin's shoulder.

"Ahh sorry about that, I just I was more tired than I thought."

"Na it's ok, I didn't really notice." And for some reason I didn't move my head and just fell back asleep. 

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now