my mother

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My breathing froze as my body did the same. Until the women in front of me touched my cheek I snapped. Slapping her hand away from me and taking a step closer to my father.

"What do you want with me?" I held my father's shoulder.

"To tell you the truth." Looking into her eyes I only saw hate and anger. Rage was radiating off her.

"There is no truth to be told from you," Dad spoke trying to get out of the chair.

"So you never did tell our daughter about that day." She laughed a little and as my dad struggled in the seat. I broke the rope that held him there.

"It's no use, where not going anywhere until we discuss the fire." I looked over at her than dad again.

"You mean the fire that you burned in 11 years ago."

"Is that what he told you." She crossed her arms looking at my dad.

"No it was on the police file, he ever said anything about what happened." Dad held my shoulders.

"You didn't need to know, you still don't. Your mother did die in that fire."

"Then what am I uh a ghost.I'm your mother (Y/N)!" She yelled making me jump. What is happening?

"You are not her mother she died 11 years ago and I want to keep it that way. Now go she doesn't need this."

"This has gone on long enough (F/N). We need to tell her!"

"What tell me what?" My voice cracked I had nothing else to say.

Both looked am me, dad knew I would never speak to him again if this didn't happen.

"That day your mother was working on the serum and something went wrong." He started. "Your mother she used your blood to make to serum, it made a strong connection with your blood and....."

"That's when your father came in and blew up the lab." It confused me, why would this happen into the photo I saw a happy family.

"She was going to use that serum to make an army and sell it to the highest buyer." My father turned to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Like I said your mother died in that fire." She walked around to the other side of the lab turning on the lights.

"While what your father said is true.....I did all for you. There are many horrible people in this world and I wanted to protect you from them."

"By killing them." Tears built in my eyes. Looking at all the serums throughout the room. At least a thousand or more.

"So you could be safe, You have gained the same powers at the army is going to have and we will be safe now and forever." She took a deep breath in and smiled at me again.

"Will you come with me and live a safe and happy life?" She held out her hand.

"My mother died in that fire and I think she should stay that way." I lifted my hand and all the tubes the liquid was in exploded and evaporated into the air. My mother looked pissed, to say the least. I watched her bite her tongue.

"I see, you're on your father's side......... Well, I hope you burn in hell you ungrateful selfish bitch!" I made a hole to the next level and we made It through. The only source of light came from the moon that shone outside. It was a dark office room. Sitting there for a moment I tried healing my dad's wounds. Him being unconscious from the lack of energy he had.

'(Y/N) can you hear me.'

'Megan you are ok, thank god.' I heard everyone shout my name.

'What happened?' Again everyone speaking at once.

'We can talk about that later, right now I need to know where you are.'

'After you were in that room, we were ambushed and brought to the 24 floor.' I lifted my dad over my shoulder and opened each floor to the top and used the below floor and bring us up.

"Hi, guys." I dropped my dad to the ground. He started mumbling things again about how he was sorry.

"It was stupid of my to bring you all here and now my mum is going to try and kill me." I sat down next to my dad and put a wet towel over his head. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault (Y/N), besides we would have come anyway even if you didn't tell us to." I looked up at Robin and held a small smile.

"But wait didn't you mum die in an office fire." My gaze turned to Aqua lad.

"Apparently not, she was going to make an army with the same serum my dad used on me and use the money she made to make sure we were safe for the rest of our lives."

I looked out of the window and saw all the men surrounding the building.

"The only way to get you all safe is if I distract them, you guys go back to the ship and I'll meet you there."

"You can't be serious!"

"She wants to know the power I have and I'm going to show her."

Before they could stop me I moved the wall and fell down. I smashed the windows with rocks from inside the building. Using the smashed glass I cut through the guns the men held. I hit the ground softly. I played some music.

I made flames in my hands and turned them to look like knives.

"Lets dance."


Oh what's going to happen, Are you going to fail or make it to your friends or is someone waiting for your friends and father 😲. You have to wait and see. Hehe I'm so mean. Only time will tell. 😛

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