stupid idiots

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"About what I was talking about yesterday....."

I slammed my locker shut listening to him still thinking of why he would bring it up.

"Yeah what was that about?" Walking to class trying not to listen to whatever crap he was going to say.

"I wasn't lying about what I said."

"Yeah I got that from the sudden seriousness in your voice, but I still don't know what you were talking about?" He looked at me like I was the dumbest person he had ever met.

"And what is that face for?" He hit his forehead leaving a red mark.

"You really don't see it?"

"What the red mark on your head?" I poked his forehead making him look in one the windows, he let out a sigh.

"No....can't you see that Robin likes you?"

I froze, wait. what. No. I know I couldn't see it but I bet I was blushing.

"And I can tell by your reaction that you like him too." He laughed while I hit him and the shoulder. We made it to class, he seemed so pleased with himself, it was annoying me and the fact that I had chemistry was not helping. I was one of the few people to actually pass the chemistry test, even so, I had to listen to the teacher rant on why everyone failed.

By the end of the class, a learnt nothing, other than spandex is more annoying than ever drawing stick figures of me and robin. As I walked out I grabbed it off him and threw it in the bin.

"Could you find something better to do other than annoy me?"

He didn't let up after that but I am a girl of many wonders and was able to somehow to block him out.

By lunch time I had given him around 20 bruises and he only stopped ranting to eat his food.

"I've been looking everywhere for you girlie." I dodged a ball being thrown at my head making the jocks more pissed.

"What do you want?"

"For you to pay me for that ball you stole from me." clutching his fist coming towards me and of course at this time Spandex and his idiot self-went to the bathroom.

"I didn't steal anything from you, you didn't seem to want it because you threw it at my head." He didn't like that response and came at me. holding me by the collar.

"You should watch your mouth, bitch!"

"What about you swearing your ass off." Lifting me higher, I didn't really know what to do. On reflex, I ended up kicking him in his stomach and he dropped me. I coughed as he tried to grab me again and swung a fist at me. I didn;t really know how but I held his fit in my hand and twisted it around to his back.

"What the hell! LET ME GO YOU BITCH!"

"And let you punch me, no way!" His friends faces dropped and they didn't know whether to try and help him or run away.

"Get this chic off me!" I quickly kneed his stomach before running off with my bag in hand. I kicked the ball from before in one of their faces and ran faster after that. I ran into Spandex.

"Wow calm down (Y/N)."

"No time for that, I have like 5 guys on my tail. Gotta run!" He seemed a little confused until he saw the stampede of jock running right for me. I grabbed his arm and sprinted off with him.

"How did you get yourself into this mess." It was like jogging for him but not me running out of breath.

"I've now made a mental note not to piss off jocks with sassy remarks."

We ran around the corner and went up the fire escape of the school before they could see us. When making it up there I saw a ship. No more like a space ship?

I didn't care and fell on the ground. Spandex didn't really seem too freaked about the ship in front of us.

"Friends of yours." I breathed before seeing some of the jocks from before. How the hell did they find me in like two minutes?

"No time for that get in."

I sighed and got up slowly and walked onto the space ship before those idiots could follow. But their faces were priceless.

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now