He's back

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After what happened with Aqua lad I was guessing that my abilities were getting stronger and I was capable of mimicking other people powers if I watch them long enough. I turned the corner and I saw super boy and Spandex talking. Obviously, super boy heard me and looked in my direction Spandex ran over to me.

"Hey (Y/N) long time no see." I tried to punch him but speed out of the way. I tried a few more times, I mainly watched his movements.

"It's cute watching you try so hard." Then he tried to punch me but I ran out of the way. He turned to me with the most dumbfounded face I have ever seen and that's when superboy came at me. With my new found speed, I spun around and twisted his hand to his back and kneed him in the stomach. I wrapped my legs around his neck. I knew it would hurt him but I didn't know how else to hold him in the one spot for 5 seconds. Spandex ran off. Probably to tell the others. I let go of super boy.

"Ha sorry about that, I didn't know how else to keep you from moving."

He coughed a little.

"It's fine but how did you....." I stopped him.

"I'll talk about that later." I ran to around to the place I was meant to finish.But again with the speakers throughout the mountain went off.

"We are stopping the exercise.everyone come back to the main room."

I was not sure where to go I walked down the halls, I was so tired from all that happened. I felt someone blow on my ear I spun around and flipped them over.

"Ow...... You sure know how to treat your boyfriend." Robin groaned on the floor in pain. I freaked.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm just on edge right now." I sat down next to him to help him up.

"It's fine, well just call it even since we brought you here without telling you." I nodded helping him up.

"What have you been up to for the past.....Wait how long was I out for?"

"Only a couple of hours, lucky for you, you're a heavy sleeper and we didn't have to drug you."

I showed a fake sad / over dermatic face. " And you would drug your own girlfriend.... How rude." I shunned him.

"What about sticking a rude finger up to your boyfriend, that sounds pretty rude to me."

"How was I suppose to know who was on the other side of that mirror."

Then we burst out laughing coming out of the hallway to the same room as before. Everyone else was there staring at me.

"Can I got back to the white room now," I whispered to Robin when walking over to the others.

There were multiple videos playing on the screens. The one in the white room and the other two was when I used the others powers.

"I didn't know you could shoot an arrow?" Artemis stared at me as well as the others, Robin just as confused.

"Not just her shooting, how can you use my speed and make water swords." Spandex looked a little annoyed.

"Wow, you all seem a little overwhelmed." They didn't seem to be in the mood.

"Uhh ok then, I think it has to do with the fact I can copy people's movements and replicate them, I guess my body can adapt to what it's faced up agented."

"That's close but its a little different to that." We all turned to see batman and...... my dad.  

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now