Blank face

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"Hi (Y/N)." I didn't respond or look him in the eyes. I stared off to the side.

I didn't want or need to talk to him.

"Mr. (L/N) could you please explain." I assummed batman was the one who said that but I wasn't sure. I took a quick glance up to see my dad nod before turning away again. I knew bursting out on him would only making things worse and I did need to know why all this was happening so i grit my teeth to listen to what he had to say. By this time I was holding hands with Robin to try and calm me.

"In resant advents you may have noticed (Y/N)'s incressed reflexs, strangth and memory. Over time this has grown in meny ways such as she's able to copy her aponents moves and use weapons she has never used before. Since the serum I gave her Is a prototype it has meny unnowe properties, as you can see in the videos she is not able to use the same powers of her aponents aswell. after a deration of watching their movements her body is able to use that ablity. So far I do not know the exstent of her capacity to up hold these's powers. I would like you all to watch this video."

After watching the video of these people with powers such as five, ice and flying my dad again turned to me. I knew where this was going, I tightened my grip on my hand.

"(Y/N) I know you may not want to talk to me but can you try and use those powers....for exsperimental reasons." I knew I couldn't get out of it.

"Fine." I walked over far from the others and took a deep breath closing my eyes. I thought about the movements of the man when useing the fire. How it was like an exstention of his arm, I took a fighting stance and again took another deep breath I quickly opened my eyes and shot out a ball of fire first with my fist then my foot. It was like fighting normaly just that I have balls of fire coming out with each punch. I turned to the others to see blank faces. Well it was mixed with black and completly shocked.

"Go on to the next one."

I did the same stance and mind set as before thenI stomped my foot and the ground turned to ice. I was sliding along it like I was on a skate baord. But my vision was getting blurry so I stopped and in the prosess the ice turned to water as I fell onto my knees. they all came running well I think they did my sences were so shaky I couldn't tell. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" I could have been any one from what I could hear.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tried......" And after that everything when black. 

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