up again

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My head hurt, I felt like I could never more again. I guess I pushed myself too far. I could hear a faint conversation unable to open my eyes I just listened.

"How's her condition?" It was so faint I couldn't tell how it was.

"She's healing and should wake up soon, but I don't see why you need to come every 5 minutes, young man."

From the response, I could tell it was my dad and I assumed that the other person was Robin.

I slowly opened my eyes.A light hung above me, I had to use one of my hands to cover my face so I didn't blind myself. Two people called out my name, no surprise it was who I thought it was.

"Morning." I yawned, but for some reason, I could move just fine. My bones were just stiff. I sat myself up.

"Be careful not to push yourself (Y/N)." I looked over at my dad.

"I'm fine, remember fast healing." I stretched.

"I'll go tell the others you're awake." Robin seemed reluctant to talk in front of my dad. with that, he was out of the room.

"Who is that boy to you?" I looked over at my dad and pulled the covers off me.

"Uhhh..... He's my uh boyfriend...." He looked at me then the door.

"you've only known him for less than a month." I grabbed me clothes and went behind the curtain.

"Yeah so, all I ask you is don't kill him."

Then I heard the door open and slam shut.

I quickly shoved my shoes on before running out (http://www.polyvore.com/different/set?id=206685512)

I could hear his footsteps in the distance. He was stomping around trying to find him. Great. I was hard to find him since I came out 2 minutes after him. When I finally found him he was listening to Robin about something. I came out of the hall a little confused as my dad turned around and walked passed me.

"He seems like a good kid." He tapped me on the shoulder before leaving the room.

"Did I miss something or...." Everyone looked over at me before Megan gave me a hug.

"You're awake!" She gave me a bear hug.

"Yes, but I might fall back asleep if you keep suffocating me." I breathed before she let go I gasped for air.

"You just missed Robin almost get murdered by your dad." Spandex laughed as I face planted.

"He always overreacts about these things." I let out a sigh and walk over to them.

"Wait if you're dead how are you still standing?" I poked his cheek to make sure he was awake.

"I have a way with words." I squinted my eyes.

"What did you say." He smirked at me.

"Not telling."

"It's ok I have a video of it." My face brightened I tried to walk over to spandex but Robin held me waist and pulled me in the other direction.

"Hey, I wanted to watch that video." I pouted as he continued to draw me out of the room.

"No time for that were going out." I looked up at him and let out a huff.

The others waved goodbye while I struggled in his arms. He dragged me to the back exit of the mountain.

"Where are we going again?" He stopped walking and pressed a button to open the door.

"To climb the mountain." He said simply walking me out. I just rolled with it. Ignoring the constant thought's of thinking this is crazy. I jumped up to some rocks starting to climbing the mountain.

"You coming." I didn't have to say it twice before he started climbing with me. I stopped about half way up the mountain and sat to look at the night sky. Robin soon joined me.

"It looks so beautiful." I sighed staring up at the sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." I laughed a little.

"cliche much."

"Not if it's true."

I blushed at his words, I playfully shoved him. I quickly kissed him on the cheek before turning away in embarrassment. This making him laugh a little. He pulled me closer to him. To make things worse he blew in my ear.

"Ahhh, don't ever do that again." I felt light headed from the sudden shock. He pulled me into a tight hug before pushing us both back on the flat rock we were sitting on.

"What this?" He blew in my ear again making me screech.

"Yes, that." I put one hand over an ear and the other was on his arm. I smiled and stuck my tongue out.

For the rest of the time, we sat there talking and watching the stars.

I think we were there for two hours or more. But deciding to climbed down. He took me home from the zeta tubes. Holding hands the whole way home. Stopping at my balcony, giving him a long hug goodbye.

"Go to this address tomorrow after school tomorrow, tell me when you get there..... Oh, and use the zeta tubes." I nodded but before he left he gave me a kiss goodbye. 

young justice (Robin x reader) Story 1Where stories live. Discover now