How He Tries to be Playful

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You push the key into the lock, turn it, and push open the bunker's door. You step in and close the door behind you, feeling physically and mentally exhausted. The other boys were out at a bar or something - you didn't really know, honestly - which meant that you and your boyfriend had a few hours alone. Suddenly revitalized by this thought, you hurriedly rush down the stairs and into the study.

"Baby?" you call out, setting your stuff down on the table. The only response is a faint echo of your voice. You frown, disappointed. Maybe he went with the boys, too.

Your phone buzzed. You unlocked it to read the text from your boyfriend: Come find me. 😉

You giggle like a schoolgirl, shove your phone in your pants pocket, and begin to walk around the bunker in search of him...


You walk the long, dark hallways, an eerie feeling overcoming you. It was so quiet, so painfully still. The bunker had never been so creepy before. Sure, you had been fighting actual monsters before - and of course you knew how to kill them - but you couldn't shake this fear. You were eager to find Dean, just to have someone else's company.

You enter a few rooms, searching in the closets and behind the dressers. You had no clue where Dean would be hiding. Hell, he survived Purgatory; he should be an expert at a silly game of hide-and-seek. You push open the door to Dean's room. Surely he wouldn't be in here? It's too obvious. You check the closet and behind the furniture, anyways. You look once more around the room, believing it to be empty. Suddenly, a hand grasps your ankle.

"Dean!" you scream out, hoping he would hear and come save you. The hand yanks your ankle, causing you to fall. You're trying to fathom what's happening, when a person emerges from under the bed, still grasping your ankle.

"Well, well, well. Your skills are a little rusty, aren't they?" a smirk crosses over Dean's face. Relief washes over you.

"I'm going to kill you!" you exclaim, pulling your leg away from his grip and standing up.

Dean laughs loudly, standing up as well. "You weren't gonna kill anyone when you were that scared. 'Dean! Dean, come save me!'" he mocks you in a high-pitched voice.

You punch his arm, but find yourself in his embrace seconds later. You rest your head against his chest, feeling completely safe.

"I hate you." you mutter.

Dean's chest vibrates as he chuckles. "Love you too, babe."


You figure that it shouldn't be that hard to find him, considering he was 6'4. It's not like he can crouch into a closet or anything - he'd be too uncomfortable. 

You start with your bedroom, find nothing, then go to Dean's, find nothing, then go to Sam's. You look behind the door and in his shower, and find nothing. You crouch down to the floor and look under the bed. Sighing at still finding nothing, you get back on your feet and contemplate your next move. 

Out of nowhere, two strong arms wrap around your waist, lifting you off the ground. You let out a yelp, kicking your feet to get away from the man. You feel his chest rumble with laughter, and he places a kiss on your cheek. You relax in his arms, realizing it's your goofy boyfriend. When he sets you down, you turn around in his arms to admire his beautiful smile. Throwing your arms around his neck, you giggle into his chest. 

He runs his fingers through your hair, his other hand keeping your head close to his chest. "Did I scare the crap out of you?" 

"Yeah you did, freakin' jerk." 

He laughs at your feigned anger. "I didn't mean to at first, but you were just so blissfully unaware that I couldn't pass up the opportunity." 

"You're still a jerk." you say, joining him in his laughter. 

"You gotta claim me." he smiles, pulling back from your embrace to look down at you.

Rolling your eyes, you aren't able to keep the smile off your face. "Unfortunately." 


You start the search for the angel with a fairly optimistic and light attitude. After long minutes of searching almost every room in the bunker, you slowly remember that he could literally be anywhere, not just in the bunker. He could teleport to any place he wanted to. Even if he was in here, he could just move from spot to spot, making your search impossible.

Pulling out your phone, you text back: You better not be cheating. No powers allowed. 

When you hit send, you almost immediately hear a high-pitched "Ding" come from the study. Before you could put the pieces together, you hear Cas' rough voice call out, "Uhm... Just ignore that!"

Laughing, you rush to the study and find him hiding to the side of a large cabinet. He sighs defeatedly when you find him, saying, "Uhg. Stupid technology."

"It's not the technology," you giggle, placing your hands on his shoulders. "It's most definitely user error."

He tries to be angry, but a smile forms across his lips. You reach up to kiss him on the cheek, and melt into a comforting hug after you do so. His arms are wrapped tightly around you, holding you as close as possible. 

After a few seconds of comforting silence, he mutters, "I'm still blaming technology." 

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