quick side note

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8.1K READS????? Are y'all serious????? Thank you SO MUCH for reading and supporting my work. It means the absolute world to me!! 

(((P.S. I would greatly appreciate any feedback y'all have)))

I'm so so so so SO sorry that I haven't posted in literally forever. I've had immense writer's block all summer and I've almost completely lost my motivation to write. I'm hoping that once I get back into a routine, I'll be more motivated!

I have about 9 stories that are completed and ready to post, but I'm posting them sparingly because I like to have stories on-hand for when I go through bouts like this. I will post one of those stories soon :)

In the meantime, to all my followers that talk to me/want a say in what I post, I have two questions:

1) Which character would you like me to post more of? I know I post a lot of Dean, but I feel that it's easier to write him more than any other character. If I don't have requests for any other character, I write Dean by default. So suggest some characters that you would like me to write!

2) Do you have any story ideas/requests for me to write? Once again, I'm lacking some motivation and creativity, so getting requests helps me a lot. I don't want to keep writing the same plot over and over, so pleeeasssseeee suggest some ideas for me! I have a few in the works currently, just no motivation to finish them uhgggg

To conclude this annoyingly long update which no one will read, thank you for your continued love and support for my work. If there is anything I can do for y'all (i.e. dedicated reader inserts, story ideas, longer works, feedback and reviews on your stories, etc.), just let me know!!

I greatly appreciate you, and will update soon :)

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