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I literally have 17 drafts for this imagine book and they're all really good, exciting ideas, but I can't finish one to save my life. They all start out great, and then I just hit a wall and can't write anymore, or I become bored of it.

This is so frustratinnngggg.

If y'all have any tips on how to get over this (besides the obvious, "Buckle down and do it, dipshit!") I would greatly appreciate it 😂

I don't have swarms of people blowing up my PMs or begging for new updates, but I still like to post my stories because I'm proud of them. So, this is a real predicament for me.

Anyways, hopefully I can finish a goddamn imagine soon and post one before long. Idk why I'm posting this, but I needed to relieve some frustration, so I'm sorry if you're still reading this 😂

I'll post more soon, y'all, I promise 😊

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