Dean / Torture

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You writhed under the restraints of the rope. Your wrists burned from the rough contact, but you barely even noticed the pain. Your breathing was erratic and frantic. You had to get out of here.

A low, sinister chuckle echoed throughout the room, catching your attention. To your dismay, the demon that captured you had entered the holding room.

"Struggling a bit?" the demon smirked, crossing its arms over its body. It wore the vessel of a 20-something-year-old girl, with long black hair and dark brown eyes. The collar of her shirt was low enough to display a tattoo on her collarbone: an oddly shaped sun and moon. The girl's nose piercing gleamed under the single fluorescent light.

You remained silent, not wanting to hear anymore from the demon. Again, to your dismay, the demon kept talking anyways.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)," it said mockingly, moving closer to you. "Do you know how much torture I'm going to put you through?"

You rolled your eyes. Like I haven't heard that one before, you thought.

The demon seemed shocked at your reaction. "Don't think I can?"

"I'd like to see you try." you challenged in a bitter, stale tone.

The demon's face lit up in excitement. Its hands gripped each arm of the chair you were in, leaning in close to your face. "I have my ways, you know. Because I know your weakness."

You gasped in feigned shock. "You know that I'm afraid of airplanes?!"

Your sarcastic remark didn't seem to strike the demon at all. Instead, it carried on, "You can try to act as tough as you want. I've done my research on you. I know that physical torture won't affect you. I know that bringing up your past won't affect you. So, I've had to hatch my own plan, you see. Because I want you to suffer and feel so much pain that you'll be begging me to kill you."

You kept a brave face, never breaking eye contact with the demon. However, its words caused you to shift in your seat a little.

"You care so little about yourself that me trying to hurt you won't do anything. You couldn't care less about what happens to you. But you do care about one thing - somebody, I should say." the demon smiled, waiting for its words to sink in for you.

Your body stiffened as you understood what it meant. Through gritted teeth, you threaten, "I swear on everything that I have that if you so much as lay a single hand on Dean, I will-"

"You'll what? Kill me?" the demon interrupted. "Well, I figure that you or Sammy will eventually find a way to kill me, so I'm not too worried about that. If I'm going to die, though, I should at least take something that is so precious to you, don't you think?"

You gulped back a twinge of tears that you felt. You couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting Dean. Him and Sam were the most important people in your life. You had so much love for them. You couldn't live with yourself if something happened to either of them, especially if you were the cause of it.

Your attention turned back to the ropes, and a new energy surge burned inside of you. Now, you had to get out of here.

"Well, that got you going, didn't it?" the demon cackled, pleased at the effect its words had on you.

You raised your eyes to meet the demon's, firey rage burning in your stare. "I swear-"

"Enough with the empty promises!" The demon turned its back to you, walking out of the room.

The ropes were digging into your skin. You were desperately trying to slide your hand out from under one of the ropes, groaning at the pain. You began to wonder if you could somehow break the chair. It was just wooden, and looked pretty old. Maybe if you could muster up a good enough stance, you could jump on it and possibly break the chair. As you began to shuffle your feet to get a good stance, you heard feet shuffling back into the room.

Your heart stopped.

Dean scuffled into the room, his hands tied behind his back. The demon had him by his wrists, shoving him around like a ragdoll.

Dean's eyes met yours. He already looked pissed as hell for getting caught. However, after seeing you tied up, his breath hitched and his eyes flared with anger.

"Let her go. Right now." Dean spoke to the demon, but kept his eyes on you.

"Sure, I'll just untie her right now and let you go on your merry way!" the demon said sarcastically.

"I'm not fucking joking!" Dean's voice bellowed, echoing throughout the room. "You let her go right now or I swear to-"

"Uhg, more empty promises?" the demon rolled its eyes and shoved him into the chair that was opposite of you. "No wonder you two are together."

The demon tied Dean to the chair, but Dean didn't even flinch at her touch. His eyes were trained on you. He spoke softly, "I will get you out of here."

"How will you do that, big shot?" you snapped. "You're tied, too. I'll get us out of here. Just give me one minute with this fucking cunt."

"Moi?" the demon smiled, pretending to be flattered.

You glared at it, ignoring Dean's anger towards you for snapping like that.

The demon raised a finger. The fingertip began to glow, and suddenly its entire finger was glowing with flames. "Did anyone bring marshmallows?" it asked, placing the finger on Dean's forearm. Dean jolted and writhed against his restraints, screaming in pain.

Your heart crumpled at the sight of Dean getting hurt. You yanked your arms against the ropes in a desperate attempt to break free and save him. "Stop! Don't you dare touch him again! I will fucking end you! I will end you!"

The demon raised its eyebrow mockingly, pressing its finger deeper into his skin. Smoke began rising from his skin, and it glowed with fresh burns.

"STOP!" you screamed, on the verge of tears. You felt hopeless and weak. There wasn't anything you could do to save him.

To your surprise, the demon raised its finger off Dean's skin. The spot on his forearm was red and swollen, boiling from the burn. Tears pricked your eyes at the sight. You raise your eyes to see Dean's face. His head was tilted downwards, trying not to show how much it had hurt. Another wave of anger washed over you. When you got out of there, you would put this demon through the most unimaginable pain. It would suffer. Your mind began racing with all of the things you could do to the demon.

"Awe, does that make you mad, (Y/N)?" the demon's voice brought you back into reality.

You swallowed back the raging, threatening words you wanted to say to it. Doing that wouldn't get you anywhere. You needed to focus and get you and Dean out of there. Then, you could worry about getting your revenge.

(I don't really intend on making an ending to this tbh but, if you would like one, leave a comment saying so!)

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