2. School

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(A/N) here it is chapter 2 if anyone is reading comment if u like? And do u want me too keep going with it, it's gonna get more interesting in the next chapters :) enjoy x

The bus pulled into the school as the large black school gates opened, the students poured out the bus heading for the large clear automatic doors. Kate and Steph followed the sea of pupils as they all headed in the two went to their lockers and got out their math books- they had maths first - "grr I can't wait for this day too be over...yuck double period of maths, then a double period of English and then P.E, woohoo! And hey why not after lunch top it off with a double period of computing!" Kate said sarcastically as she slammed her locker shut. "Kate Don't, look it's Mrs McLain!" Steph whispered. "Kate Stevenson! No slamming the lockers in school young lady! You know the rules! Now enough of your bull shit or there will be a detention!" She said as she stomped away. Yup Kate's teachers were not afraid to swear! "Lol!" Steph laughed "haha did u see the steam coming out her ears haha-" Kate said as the bell rang. They headed to maths, It was a long double period but the bell finally rang to let them out for break, the two continued the day being bored to death by their classes but finally the day was over and they were walking out the door when Kristie Kowalski blocked their path "I heard you were eyeing up my Steven on the bus this morning you pair of sluts!" she growled. "We were not! How would you even know anything? You are not even on our bus!" Steph defended. "Trina Castlefield told me you were giving him the look!" Kristie sneered. "The what? And since when do you hang about with Trina Castlefield?" Kate said disgusted "Yeah the 'oh your hot' look and since she gives me some good information. But if you want him you can have him on Monday I mean tomorrow when I'm backstage meeting 1D I'll have Niall anyway, Bye Slags!" She struts away while pulling up her mini skirt making it even more mini.

"Yuck what a whore, I'm pretty sure Niall won't want a slut as a bride haha!" Said Steph laughing. "Grr why does she need to be there, are you still sure we should go?" asked Kate while they walked onto the bus. "Not this again! Of course we are going we are not, not going because of Kristie, End of story, now let's go!" Steph said as they headed to their usual seats getting the usual wolf whistles.

The next day was pretty much the same as the same as the day before but no Kristie to come and bitch to them, after school and they were home it was time to get ready for tonight!

(A/N) hope you liked it? Comment please and the next chapter will be either out late tonight or tomorrow, thanks for reading x

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