12 Awkward

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(A/N) just found out Vas is what in German, cause I said Vas to my Papa and he was like why are you speaking German...VAS???? Tell me the thing Lara! I'm not sleepin coz of u! Haha x

Kate's POV

Ive ate Nialls Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner and it was great, everyone sat around the table and ate but Liam just got his and went up stairs awkwardly. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't just confront him I mean Niall would probably kill him and the guy just looks like a sad puppy. What should I do! "You okay love, you look distant?" Niall asked. "Yeah I'm fine just tired" I replied. "I'm gonna go up to bed" Harry said. "It's only eight o'clock?" Niall said "Yeah I'll probably just sit on my phone then drift off, it's been a long day" Harry said yawning. Lara agreed and went upstairs into Harry's room too, they had been sleeping on a hospital bed together for like 3 days so it wasn't a big deal. Louis and Steph was the same for them so they followed up stairs and into Louis' room. "Can you help me clean up hun?" Niall asked sweetly. "Yeah sure, Zayn can you help to?" I asked. "Yep" He said putting his phone down and closing the camera application, probably taking selfies! "Thanks Mate" Niall said grabbing plates and rinsing them, I wiped the table with a cloth and Zayn put the dishes Niall rinsed in the dish washer. Once we were done tidying Zayn picked his phone back up, "I'm gonna go upstairs now, I'm tired" He said exaggerating a yawn. I snickered "D'aaaw! Is the Bradford bad Boi getting tired!" I cooed. "Yes, the Bradford bad Boi is getting tired!" Zayn agreed sticking his tongue out cheekily and jogging up the stairs. These boys are so funny and childish, sometimes I forget they are adults and mistake them for hyper puppies! Cute ones too!

I sat down on the couch Niall walking out of the kitchen and sitting next to me. He turned my head to face his and planted a kiss on my lips. The usual fireworks took place and we drew apart. "I'm going to head to bed" Niall said standing up and yawning. "Yeah same I'm exhausted" We both went upstairs to bed.

*20 minutes later*

Niall is fast asleep but I can't, I get up and step out the room. I hear a door open and I see a figure come out, I can't see as it's dark but I gasp as I get a fright. He takes my hand and pulls me into his room. It's dark but the figure switches a lamp on, it's not to bright but I can make out who it is, Liam. Liam brings me over and sits me down on his bed as does he. I can make out his face now and as I look closer his eyes are watery like he has been crying, he has. "Liam what is wrong?" I say. "I'm sorry what I did earlier, I just couldn't stop myself, Niall is like a brother to me and I'm so sorry I did that." He says. "No it's fine, I've put it in the past now but why?" I ask.

He stares straight into my eyes, his watering, he looks back down. "Don't tell Niall please, I don't want to do this to him or you" Liam said with worry. "No don't worry I won't" I said. "I just kind of well...Love you" The words that came out of his mouth made my mouth fall open, Liam Payne, loves, Me? But Niall also loves me, and I love Niall. "What- w-why -w- when did you fall in L-love with me?" I stuttered. "4 years ago" Liam said. "How is that possible, I didn't know you 4 years ago and neither did you know me?" I said confused. "do you remember your first day on holiday? You described how you seen Niall there, Well I had no idea that was Niall until now, I was at the bar too just a little bit too the left of Niall and I seen you too, you m-made my heart melt." Liam said smiling up at the ceiling. "Really?" I said totally bewilderd. "Yes, I seen you around always hanging out with Niall, I was to nervous to ask if I could hang out with you and I regretted it the rest if my life." He said, a stray tear falling down his cheek. I raised my hand and wiped it away, thinking back, there was always a mysterious guy in the background when Niall and I hung out, not a creepy mysterious but an interesting guy who had always been there, who I'd wondered about and had thought that he was quite hot and had the tiniest crush on, I didn't realise it was Liam until now, I recognise him now, it's so obvious now, but I didn't really take much notice to him, I was always busy with Niall, the guy I had the hugest crush on. And then to find out I Infact was Nialls crush, made the mysterious guy disappear out my mind all together, Liam should've said something.

He took my hand and I hugged him "I'm sorry" I said. "No in sorry for kissing you and feeling sorry for myself" He said, I looked into his large brown eyes, leant in and placed a small kiss on his lips, I didn't know what I was doing and I knew it was wrong but I wanted Liam's pain ((A/N) ahaha Liam's pain! like Liam Payne! Oh my I'm to funny, I just killed the moment soz carry on ;P) I pulled away and he tried to pull me in for another kiss. "I'm sorry, I just, didn't mean that there, I am sorry for how I ignored you on holiday but I can't betray Niall like this, I'm sorry Li" I said pulling away. "No I understand I feel better now that I told you" He said half smiling, I got up and walked to the door, "Night" I said warmly, he replied "night" and I crept Back into Nialls bed. Well that was awkward.

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