20: ill not delete it and next chap

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Okay so I wont delete it and once its finished ill put up my new story, this story will have abou 10 more chapters then it will end.

Kates POV

Ok some foundation should hide this! I dab it on covering my fresh bruises from yesterday, then I put more make up on and head downstairs.

Everyone is up surprisingly.

I hid my face and Niall noticed "Babe dont hide your beautiful" He said.

I blushed like mad and melted, "what are you guys doing up anyway?" I asked embarassed.

"Im going to take you into school, to make sure no-one hurts you" He smiled.

"But everyone will see you with me and the paps will be everywhere" I said worriedly

"So I dont care if people see me with you, your my girlfreind and I love you" He blushed, as did I.

"I love you too" I blushed more.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww" Louis cooed sarcastically.

"But still the paps will see us" I said ignoring Louis' remark.

He handed me a news paper and on the front was Niall outside his hotel holding me in his arms looking beaten up and rushing in the doors. The headline said 'Niall Horan Protecting His New Girl From Haters, Could This Mystery Girl Be Future Mrs Horan?'

"Im sorry this is all my fault now youll get into trouble from management and it'll be all my fault im so sorry" I said on the verge of tears.

"Dont be you done nothing wrong, they were going to find out anyway and as for management fuck them this is my life and you are going to be in it whether they like it or not" He said and he hugged me, I melted into the hug and realised that everyone else was in fact watching this scene.

"Aaaaw great lovey lovey! can you eat Kate so that we can get to school" Steph laughed.

I ate up and then we went to school, the drive consisted of Harry discussing the entry like we were in a movie and Lara agreeing and saying they should be at the front and Niall and I at the back so Kristie doesnt see it coming.

Zayn said Perrie and him will watch from the car and we should all link arms.

Liam had spoke to security and they were in a big car behind the limo, he said they were doing it and they couldnt stop us so if they dont come we will be ripped to shreds but one way or another(A/N HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) we will do it.

So they gave in and came.

Louis and Steph had taken sunglasses so they could dramatically take them off...they are nuts.

Meanwhile I was pretty nervous for some reason but Niall managed to calm me down, we pulled up at the school and came to a stop.

Zayn opened the door, here goes nothing...

(Que dramatic music)

Harry and Lara went first as planned.

I heard the screams erupting and footsteps running over but the security held the fans back.

Next Louis and Steph, Now Liam and Erin.

And now, Niall and I...

We stepped out the door.

I linked arms with Niall and we walked to the door screams filled my ears once again and when we got to the door Kristie and this time different minions as her others were expelled were waiting, a bunch of big guys were with her.

Her eyes met with mine and her expression turned from normal to shocked, she cheekily smiled and Niall then whispered something to a big guy beside her.

"She's the one you wanted me to beat up! But shes with Niall Horan and there will probably be security!" The guy said quietly but I worked out what he said.

"Well I cant see any and Its not as if Niall actually likes her anyway hes just doing it for a joke probably so he wont do anything!" Kristie said quietly but I knew what she said.

I looked at Niall and he looked pissed he'd obviously heard her.

"Im not sure" The guy said again.

"Hey I paid you so do it now or ill make you give it back!" ristie growled.

The guy sighed and started to walk over, progressing into a run he clenched his fist bringing it up to the level my face was at, he was now only about 3 meters away and I knew Kristie had got this guy for a reason, to proper knock me out, maybe even put me in a coma.

I shut my eyes and waited for the pain to come, I heard a fist meeting  face making a loud thump noise. I opened my eyes feeling no pain. Then I realised I hadnt been hit and the guy was lying on the ground infront  of me, Niall had hit him.

He shakily got up and walked out the gates leaving shool.

"Niall you shouldnt of done that" I said.

"No one touches my girl, you head into school and call me if you need anything okay babe?" He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead not caring that there was now about 50 paps surrounding the schhol.

All the boys got in the limo and I walked into school with my freinds, ignoring Kristies crap I walked to class, I felt invincible after Niall done that for me, he risked his career for me. What a guy.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW Nialler! and this will get much more interesting! 

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