10. Concussion

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(A/N) bored and in bed, and I want to try finish this it's bout 11pm so soz if it's shi-crap, I've decided not to swear as Hazza does not like it 👍 :D here goes...

PS- at a point in this chapter there is very bad language that the girls say and if you are under 13 then maybe you shouldn't be readin this just sayin! But I'm not puting anything disgustingly disgusting in it aha!

Kate's POV

'Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep' What the hell is that annoying noise and why won't it stop? I groaned and fluttered my eyes only to close them again as a very bright light was shining above me. Grr, ow my head hurts, it feels like I've been hit with a baseball bat by the hulk, oow! "Kate are you awake!" Niall whispered. I opened my eyes and saw a worried looking Niall, his cheeks tear stained. "Y-Yeah What's going on?" I said forcing words out my mouth. "Two seconds babe I'll go get the doctor" He said looking relieved. Wait doctor? As in hospital? What the feck happened?


"Mmm that was delicious, are we going home now?" I asked. "Hmm I kind of wanted to go to a club or something" Niall suggested. "Sounds good!" Harry said as Louis nodded in agreement along with Lara and Steph, I said "Great" and Harry asked for the bill. "I'll pay!" I suggested. "No babe it's on me" Niall said . "Listen I'll get it" Said Louis. "Actually it's on us" The waiter said smiling. "Well we can't not give you a tip can we!" Louis said. He took out his wallet and put a fifty pound note in the waiters shirt pocket. "Well thanks very much, that's very kind" The waiter said with a huge smile. We all got out and put the shades back on, I've got to say the boys all looked very hot in there shades and hats wowza! We got in the limo and Niall told the driver where to go, he nodded and off we went. We were going to a club called Blue Moon. Once we got there the six of us walked right up to the front of the line where Niall passed a huge wad of cash to the Guard and he let us all in just like that, I mean wow no ID check or anything. We all walked in and to be honest most of the people in here looked underage, but it was awesome. "Coming to get a drink?" Niall asked A girls head shot round and looked at us all. Crap. "That's Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles!" She gasped to her freinds. There was about 15 of them standing in a group at the bar drinking cocktails. They looked about 15 or 16. How can they let them or well Me Lara and Steph get it without ID! Bribes obviously. The 15 girls turned round and one dropped there glasses. "What the f*ck are they doing with they wh*res?" one of them said sticking her chest out and making her skirt shorter. "I don't know but I want some of Louis' big d*ck and I know that sl*g won't be sharing with me!" She said laughing. Wtf! how revolting can you get! Louis just gasped snickering. "Let's get those sl*ts off of our men so I can f*ck Niall Dry" One of them said, just just eew! she's like 15! Just no! All of a sudden I could see the girls running at us, the next thing I knew was I was grabbed by the hair and kicked on the ribs by the girl, well wh*re that made the comment about Niall. I seen Lara lying next to me getting punched by one of the other hoes and Steph at the other side getting kneed in the stomach. The boys were trying there hardest to get through to us but the other 10 girls were pushing them back and doing inappropriate things. I seen a girl walking up to me and murmuring something that I couldn't hear as I was screaming. The next thing I knew was that she kicked me in the head, lights out.

End of Flash back

I looked to the left of me and saw Lara lying on a bed next to me, she was awake, she smiled "how are you doing" Lara asked "Not bad, sore head you?" I asked. "Same, didnt know they could be that vicious, and that revolting!" Lara chuckled lightly. I looked to the right and saw Steph, but she wasn't awake "Steph" I said. "There's no use" Lara said. "How long have you been up?" I asked "A day" "How long Have I been asleep?" I asked again "Two days, It's Monday, I woke up yesterday" Lara said. "Wait what about school?" I said. Lara laughed "It's a break this week, next week we finish for summer" "Oh yeah" I snickered. Niall and a women in a white coat came through, obviously the doctor. "How are you honey" Niall asked. "Not bad I have a sore head and I'm hungry" I said. "okay Ill go get you some food while Dr fern runs some tests" He said kissing me on the fore head and going out. "Okay I'm going to ask you some questions to check your memory, It was a hard blow to the head." Dr. Fern said. "Okay" I replied. "What's your Name?" She said. "Kate Stevenson" I replied "Okay that's fine, what age are you?" "17" I said "Okay now what year is it?" "2013" "Okay I think your fine, I'll give you some pain killers for your headache and you should have some food and get some sleep, you and your friends will be able to leave soon." Dr Fern said. "What about Steph?" I asked "Who?" The dr said. "Stephanie" "Oh She will hopefully wake up soon but she had a more severe injury on the back of her head so only time will tell." Dr said. "Okay thanks" I said. "No problem" She said as she walked out the room and Niall came in along with Louis and Harry They all had a box of pizza and Harry went and shared it with Lara and Niall with me. Louis sat there holding Stephs hand and cried into her chest, Harry went over and comforted him, I let a tear slip down my cheek as I realised that my best freind was lying in a hospital bed unconscious, Niall hugged me. I hope she wakes up soon.

(A/N) they fans are horrible! And disgusting but I warned u! haha hope u liked :)

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