18: Late

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(A/N) I'm writing this tonight coz I'm bored soz of it short!

Kate's POV

I wake up on one of the seats in the screening room, I was about to shut my eyes again but I realise what day it is.

"Guys! What time is it!" I yell in a raspy morning voice.

Someone stirs next to me.

"What" They say, I think it's Lara.

"It's Tuesday Morning we have school what time is it?" I say

Lara sits up and checks he r watch "shit" She says

"What time?" I say desperately

"It's 8 o'clock we've missed the bus, school starts in forty five minutes an I have an exam!" Lara panics shaking Steph and Erin.

They get up and realise the situation.

"Okay hurry and go get dressed I'll be there in a minute I'll phone Superman to pick us up" Steph said as if she was superwoman, her and Louis are so right for eachother.

Steph phoned Louis...or 'Superman' and we went to get dressed, soon Steph came rushing up stairs.

"Louis will be here in twenty minutes" Steph said.

I got in a shower as fast as I could in like 5 minutes and out andhalf dried my hair and brushed it, I couldn't straighten or curl it as it was half wet.

No time to eat so we all headed straight out the door into Louis' car.

"Superman is here and has saved the day!" Louis shouted hereocily, how can he be so hyper at this time!

"Thanks superman" Steph said and we all agreed.

We arrived at the school, 8:51, almost made it.

"Thanks Lou" I said hugging him.

"No prob" He smiled.

He kissed Steph and we got out, running into school to the locker hall.

I grabbed my things, Maths first, woohoo! *Note Sarcasm*, oh well I'm not THAT bad at it, plus if I pass Math then I might actually get into that college. I really hope I do, I need to pass their 'able student' test thing where they need to make sure I'm clever enough for the school. And I'm trying to get a scholarship, I don't need it but it'll be a hell if a lot easier, I'm not that loaded!

My Mum and Dad were movie producers and they flew everywhere to do movie, I never got to see them a lot I was mostly left with a babysitter, a permanent one like a nanny. Of course I loved them and sometimes they took me on vacations and stuff but that was really rare, like the holiday where I met Niall, that was a rare holiday.

When they died I was gutted, I wish we had more time with eachother, I was never close to them which was sad. I had everything as a child except a family, I hated it, so there was not much grieving just pain that they were almost like strangers, or distant relatives.

A tear rolled down my cheek, I snapped out of my daydream and wipe it away quickly.

I walked to class and knocked on the door only to find a substitute teacher waving me in, it's my lucky day!

"Sorry Im late Miss I was-" I said trying to make up an excuse but was cut off.

"You were banging Niall Horan duh! we all know!" Kristie snickered as did the whole class.

"Enough young lady with that revolting language, and it's fine I'm sure you have a good reason, your an adult no need for excuses, and you too miss Kowalski, your an adult so act like one." The teacher said, I like this teacher.

I smiled and walked to my seat.

Kristie glared at me "Don't get why they want to fuck you all anyway they're all gay" She whispered.

I picked up a chair and swung at her, she landed on the ground with a thud. I picked up a table and knocked her out cold with it...or atleast that's what I did in my head.

Really all I did was make a rude hand gesture at her and st down, today will suck.

(A/N) I watch CSI now I want to be a Csi I'm serious haha! anyway it will get interesting and stuff just wait, be patient, like a hippy or something...Wow I don't think I've said the word hippy all year wooo! I'm not gonna say it coz I'll do this record thing anyway it's short but I updated early for once yay!

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