24: Kristies evil plan

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Hey here is Kristies evil plan and im sorry in advance you will all hate me! Here it is.

Nialls POV

I let out a huge yawn and check the time, 11:10am. Beside me Kate isnt there so she must already be down.

I jump in a quick shower scrubbing my hair and body, then I got out. And threw some jeand and a t-shirt on, I put my jackwills hoodie on top.

I ruffled my wet hair and put a snapback on seen as it was a mess, then i went downstairs.

"Im starving what we having for breakfast?" I asked, my stomach making a grumbling noise.

"We had it" Louis snickered.

"I kept you some but Harry ate it, sorry" Kate said.

"Its fine ill go down to McDonald's and get some I want their pancakes theyre great, its not that long a drive." I sighed.

"You want me to come with?" Kate asked.

"Nah its fine your still in your PJ's and Im starving! Bye" I said giving Kate a small kiss on the cheek and about to walk out the door.

"Oy Horan wheres my kiss!" Harry shouted.

I just laughed "Fine" I walked over and roughly kissed him on the head, then Lara and Louis slapped me.

"Ow!" I said sarcastically.

"He is mine!" Lara and Louis said at the same time, I snickered and left them two arguing over who's Harry is.

The lift took me down to the ground floor I walked out the buillding and took a right into the road that took me to the carpark, I walked past an alley and a hooded man bumped in to me.

"Watch it" I said.

He just kept walking, dick.

I continued to walk to my car and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it kept getting worse and worse, it got to the point where I had fell to the ground and was gasping for air.

I propped myself up agains a wall and looked at my stomach, there was a large red stain forming on my jumper and I pulled it up along with my tshirt, there was a huge cut, I'd been stabbed.

Everything started to go fuzzy, I blacked out.

Kirstie's POV

I seen Mark walking around the corner.

"So have you done it" I asked.

"Yeah, now keep quiet about this, I don't want to be getting caught." Mark whispered.

"Sure, no-one will know, now let's dispose of the knife" I suggested.

"Yeah where will we put it?" Mark said.

"Just throw it in that big dumpster over there" I said.

"Are you sure, what if they find it?" He asked.

"Trust me they won't" I said.

"Okay" He replied and lifted the lid then disposed of the knife.

"Okay let's get out of here" I said and we walked away.

Sarah's POV

We just got back from the ice cream shop and mummy and daddy bought me a strawberry swirl ice cream and now we are going back to the car to go home.

Daddy unlocked the car and I got in, then it was a 5 minute drive until we got back home.

I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door, then I skipped out past all the cars.

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