14. Sleepover at Kates

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Kate's POV

"Guys can you drop Steph and I off at our place, we've not been there since Tuesday to get Me some fresh clothes" I asked. "Yeah what's the address" Niall said. I told him our address and he told the driver to stop there, we arrived and all got out. "You sure you don't want to go back?" Steph asked the boys and Lara and Perrie. "Nope we want to check out your place, Lara got to see it and she said it was cool so I want to see it." Louis said. We walked in the lobby with our sunglasses and hats on, there was a big group of us so it was like we were a gang of agents or some shit like that aha. "Excuse me but your not supposed to be all in here." The receptionist said. I took my hat and sunglasses of as did Steph. "It's us" I said. "Oh okay, who are they seven then?" She asked. "Uh our freinds" Steph replyed. "Okay" The receptionist said waving us off. We got upstairs and I unlocked the door. "Cool!" Niall said looking around, it was actually an awesome apartment. "Can't we just stay here pleeease!" Louis begged. "But boobear you haven't got your stuff!" Steph said. "Aaaaaaah he's my boobear!" Harry screamed jumping on Louis' back. "Noooo" Steph squealed hanging onto Louis' neck. "He's mine!" Harry protested. "There is enough of the swag master from Doncaster to go around" Louis said. LOL. "I'll go down and get the driver to run us to to the apartment and get our stuff" Louis said. "I'll come to to get my stuff" Perrie said. "I'll go with Perrie" Zayn said. They walked out the door. "Give is the grand tour then!" Harry said. "Okay follow me" I said, I went throught the door and showed them the huge kitchen with a dining table in the middle. Then we walked to the living room, Steph showed them her seat which was a double love seat that was light pink with cute cushions on it. I showed them my seat which is so cool, It hangs on a chain from the ceiling and it's a two seater. It's Neon pink plastic on the outside but on the inside it's all padded with soft cushion. Louis thought it was awesome so he dived on it and started to swing on it. There was also a huge white swede sofa which was an eight seater. infront of all the seating was a huge tv. "Wow that's a huge telly!" Liam exclaimed. "Wait to you see the screening room!" Steph said. "Screening room?" Niall, Liam and Zayn said looking confused. We walked through a door covered with a red curtain. Sat there was five comfy red seats in the front row and five in the back. Infront of the seats was a huge Home cinema like a quarter size of a real cinema screen and behind the seats was a popcorn machine, a fridge and a vending machine where it was filled with sweets but it didn't cost money to get them out. "Holy Shit! This is the coolest house I've ever seen! Can we please watch a movie in here tonight!" Niall said jumping up and down. "Yep, I'll show you guys the rest of the house now" I said leading them out of the screening room and through the living room to the hall. I showed them the room on the right which consisted of a toilet and a sink. We went up the stairs. "That's my room in there" Steph said pointing to the first room on the left, the right side was just glass railings lookin over onto the living room. Harry opened the door and jumped into Stephs room. "Woah that's a big poster!" Harry said looking at the huge OneDirection Poster on the wall...and when I say huge I do mean very very big! It's about 2metres tall and 4metres wide! He walked and Steph blushed, I laughed then showed the three boys the three spare rooms while Lara and Steph tagged along. It was at that point I remembered the 52 posters of OneDirection, 32 Posters of Niall, 26 of Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry. Then of course there is my One Direction Bed Set of pillows and a duvet. Crap! "That's just my room no need to check in there" I said quickly trying to get them back down the hall and down the stairs. "Oh we need to see your room I mean how bad can It be!" Niall giggled opening my door. "Oh my god!" Niall burst out laughing as did Liam, Harry, Lara an Steph just smirked,-she'd seen my room like a million times- Harry ran in and carefully took a poster of himself off the wall. "Oh Harry is sooooo hot! I can kiss this poster all day and kid on it's him tee hee hee!" Harry said in a squeaky girly voice. "Oh My" I face palmed going beet red. And at that point Liam ran past me onto the One Direction Bed Duvet. He sat on top of the part with him on it then said in his squeaky girl voice "OMG! I love these because at night I can pretend I'm sleeping with Thee Liam Payne! And I can Kiss him and have s-" Mature and is like Daddy Direction? I think not! "That's enough guys!" I said blushing. "Yeah! yous are only jealous because Kate has the most posters of me!" Niall said in hysterics. I growled playfully and dragged them out of the room. I'll swap my duvet later. We walked down the stairs. "Can we go check out the popcorn machine and stuff pwease!" Harry said. "Yeah sure" I said and Steph agreed, they all ran but I pulled Niall back so it was just me and him. "Aaaw can't I go taste the delicious popcorn!" Niall whined. "You can later but I need to show you something awesome that only I know about, not even Steph knows!" I whispered. "What is it" He said. "Ssh" I said, I walked behind the stairs and down five steps to a door, Niall followed. "Steph just thinks this id a cupboard that I lost the key for, don't tell anyone!" I whispered, pulling out a key that I managed to grab when In my room out my pocket. I put it in the keyhole and turned it opening the door. Nialls mouth dropped at the built in hot tub in the ground. "This is sick! This place just keeps getting better and better!" Niall said grinning. "I know right! But don't tell anyone, keep it out secret" I said grinning back. "I wont, but how come Steph doesn't know?" He asked. "Well when Steph moved in I was going to tell her but then I thought I could keep it a secret for like my chill out place or something" I explained. "Ooh right I see I hope I can go in it one time it's so cool" Niall exclaimed walking out the door with me, I turned the key and pulled it back out putting it in my pocket. We walked through to the screening room and by this time Zayn, Perrie and Louis was back. Perrie was holding a small suitcase, the rest of her stuff will be back at the boys' apartment. Zayn was holding three bags and so was Louis. Louis handed one to Lara and said that it was at their apartment and it had clean clothes and PJ's so he brought it for her, he then handed each of the boys their's as did Zayn. The boys rummaged through their bags. "Louis was it you who packed my gold thong!" Harry said. "Maaaaaybe" Louis giggled mischievously. "Oy! Why is there a spoon in my bag!" Liam said. "Sorry I couldn't help it!" laughed Zayn. After all that I gave the rest a the tour of Steph and I's house and they too of course laughed at my room. We then all got changed into our PJ's and went into the screening room to watch a film. First we watched Love Actually, then Insidious which I was quite jumpy at but Niall hugged me and it made me less scared, we watched Titanic and I cried into Nialls shirt. Now we are in the middle of Superman that of course Louis picked but I'm very tired so I'm just drifting off to sleep, Niall kisses my forehead and I fall asleep snuggled into his chest and I gently dose off.

(A/N) thanks guys for 99 reads almost 100 :D thanx! How is it let me know please and do you want me to add you on the story at some point, because I need names for like simple roles, like people who Are doing their jobs or something? I dunno but plz comment and tell me how I'm doing :) x 😃

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