22: bad news p2

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I put the link for the dress Kate's wearing at the side and this story will either be 30-40 chapters I dont know im guessin, how did every1s new year go? Mines was great, apart from hangover on newyear hahahaha so heres the chap!

Recap: Kate, lara, steph and Erin are on the bus.

Kates POV

The bus puled up infront of the gates as it did for the past 6byears ive been here, cant believe there will be another year I need to go through with this! And Niall wont be here.

I got out with my freinds and walked through the doors and for about the 1 millionth time in my life to be met with Kristie, surprise surprise!

"What Kristie Im sick of this, cant we all just be friends its the last day" I said sick of this same routine.

"Be freinds with you lot? Id rather die, I just came to tell you all ans Especially you Kate to watch your backs, oh and your boyfreinds!" She snickered.

"I thought you loved One Direction" Steph said confused.

"Aha I did, not anymore! Now that they are with you slags, plus Zayn is the only normal one who will go out with someone decent, maybe he should just quit the rest of them!" Kristie laughed walking away.

"Im gonna rip her throat out!" Steph said anrily.

"Keep it for after hun" Erin said.


The morning went by in a flash and soon it was graduation, the boys and Perrie were in the back row hiding with hats and sunglasses on, we waved and they did too.

They didnt look to suspicous seen as it was really hot and sunny today so most people had them on.

The ceremony started and the usual stuff went on,

Every student was called up and given our roll scripts, the honour students gave speeches and we all threw our hats in the air. Our school was pretty cleache!

It was a great day.

Nialls POV 

-Earlier today-About halfway through the ceromony-

The students were still getting called up and Kate had been called up already.

I really needed to go pee.

I got up out my seat and as I was leaving to go find the toilet a student walked off the stage coming my way, I hope she hasnt recognised me!

I walked in the building and looked around, where are the toilets man?

"Hey looking for the toilets?" A female voice behind me said. I pulled my hat doms and turned around "Yeah"

"I know who you are Niall, I 'used' to be a fan" She said, she looked familiar.

"Uhm okay... Do I kno- wait. You are Kristie, the bitch who set someone on my girlfreind" I said, my fists clenching, I wanted to punch her so hard, but ofcourse the picture of me punching a guy didnt go down well with the News, Management needed to pay alot of money to all the companies so they wouldnt let this get out, and im sure me ounching a girl would be out as fast as I want to punch her!

"Yeah now just let me tell you something. I know alot of bad people who can hurt you and your stupid hoe of a girlfreind very much, so if I were you id watch your back" She spat.

"What is all of this threatining worth? What did we ever do to you?" I said.

"Kate always had it all, money, looks, good personality and yet she cut and slit herself all through this school and gained more and more attention, thats all she done it for she had the pefrect life. And now she has got you. She is a spoilt bitch and ill get her for it, even if it takes hurting you" Kristie said with no emotion.

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