17: PUNCH!

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(A/N) yay it's the Christmas break so I might update again but it's nearly Xmas so might not but I will just now I don't know anyway........MICROWAVE...SorrY I had to just be Random I'm sick of n!t being RANDOM...........FIND A PIGEON PICK IT UP PASS IT ON AND YOULL EAT A TREE.

Kate's POV

It's Thursday and I'm in last period just now and we have a test! A science test!

This is torched but I must pass! I must!!! Because if I don't then I can't get into the college I want, I want to be in like forensic crime scene stuff, you know like CSI. Yeah I'm abnormal deal with it! Hehe

Anyway today had been Interestingly annoying, girls have threatened to kill my Freinds and I they have begged us to let them meet us and also have asked for autographs and pictures incase we become famous.

I honestly don't know how the boys can put up with this!

Yay an easy question! 'What blood type would need to be given to a person with the blood type AB?' A, B, AB or O. That was really easy, probably a simple one just to make sure I'm not a complete idiot, atleast I'll get one right.

Only 10 minutes left and I have 7 questions left...I can do this!

6 Minutes of hard question later...

Yay done! And 4 minutes to spare great! They weren't that bad I'm pretty confident.

I brought my paper up to the front and placed it on the teachers desk. "Yay I'm finished first!" I said immaturely, I'm in a hyper mood.

"Yes you deserve a medal now get back to your seat unless you want to do a victory dance in detention because you are disturbing the other students" She said sternly.

"Oh your know fun!" I stomped I a jokey way back to my seat.

I sat down and pulled out my phone hiding it under the desk as I selected the text Icon, then I clicked on Nialler.

'Hey babez, schools almost over 'woooohoooo' Will we just head back to mine and I'll see ya tomorrow? xxxxx' *send*

The girls and I were all gonna stay at mine and have a girls night for once.

*bzzz* my phone vibrated, I looked up to make sure no-one heard it. they didnt.

'Hey Hun, that's good and aaaw I'll miss you! And okay are you having a girls night oooooohhhh! xxxxxx' He replied, he must've read my mind.

'I'll miss you too! And yes we are you read my mind! love ya xxxxxx' *send*

*bzzz* 'Hehe I did, love you too xxxxxx' aaaw.

"Riiiiiing" The horrible annoying electric bell went.

Chairs and Tables scraped against the floor flooding the whole school with a horrible squeaking noise as everyone got up out their seats and left.

I walked out the school looking about for Steph, Lara and Erin. They must be on the bus already.

I walked out the black gates and started to walk down the pavement ((a/n) or sidewalk) as the bus parks further away as it picks up more kids, something like that.

I kept walking only to be met by a fist hitting my face.

I stumbled to the ground.

"Ow" I yelled, I opened my watery eyes only to see one of Kristies evil minions in my face laughing.

I wiped away the stray tears as was I heck crying for her.

Kristie and another minion were laughing too a little far back.

I got up and yep sank to her level I threw the hardest punch at her face, I didn't take boxing lessons for nothing, It was situations like this I was glad.

She was lying on the ground clutching her bleeding nose and swollen cheek, I rose a hand up to my nose and mine too was bleeding, oh well and ow.

I walked with my head held up high onto the bus while Kristie and her minion checked on the other minion.

When I entered the three girls were up at the back staring at me, they must have seen it from the window, I walked and sat down not receiving any wolf whistles this time, the story had gotten around so now I just received puzzled looks or disgusted expressions for the guys.

"You go girl" Steph high fived me.

The girls all high fived me multiple times and the bus drove and finally got to our stop at my apartment building.

We all got out and up to the apartment and got in...Sleepover go!

~~~~~~~few hours later~~~~~~~~~

"Okay girls we are all dating a member of 1D and we haven't even got a good chance to fan girl yet so...." I said.

Before we knew it we were fan girling like our lives depended on it.

Fan girl attack much!?!

(A/N) I have no social life, I started writing this at 2Pm an now it's 5 past 5 Pm wow shows a lot haha and when I do socialise it's either something to do with 1D or some random shit I shout that doesn't make sense...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!

no you guys are not my therapist but oooohhhh weeeell :) bye

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