29: Epilogue

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(This is the last chapter of Nialls Crush and tbh im quite glad, I dont think this s a good story coz its all over the place and basically makes hardly any sense but Im hoping my next story called 'Pointless' will be good as i have planned it out and I know what is happening in it, I also am thinking of a story but im not so sure yt, anyway I hope you enjoy the last chapter of Nialls Crush and if u have any tips u want to give me please do in the comments thanks :) )


3 years later

Kate's POV

Lou finished curling my hair and I looked in the mirror, Ive got to say I loved my hair make up and dress so much, it is indeed my wedding day. 

My 5 bride maids look amazing and so does the two flower girls, Lux and Darcy.

Harry and Lara got married 1 and a half years ago and they have a beautiful baby girl named Darcy, she is almost three months old. Zayn and Perrie got married 2 years ago and Liam & Erin are engaged, I think Louis is going to propose to Steph soon too, I heard him talking too Harry about it. 

One Direction are still together obvousily and are still as great as ever, They have released a new album and the sales are through the roof, everything is going perfect.

Remember Kristie and Mark, they two are in prison for attempted murder and theyre in for a while too, i cant remember how long but its long! 

"You ready?" Perrie chirps.

I smile and nod. Im so nervous but so excited this is a big step in my life but im willing to take it, this is more than I could ask for to be married to Niall, Im gonna be Kate Horan...wow.

"Well let's go then" Steph smiles taking my hand.

Lou places my veil and tiara perfectly on my head and walks with us into the white stretch limo.

Niall and I are getting married in a cute chapel we picked out and the reception after the wedding we have rented a huge hall which is next to a beach so we can also go have some fun there, it is great weather for it all, Im glad we chose summer for the wedding time.

 I know that up in there in the sky my parents are there and wouldve supported Niall and I, even on holiday they said he was a great kid and they were happy to let me hang out with him. I wish they were here today.

"You okay hun?" Steph asks.

I realise the tears falling down my cheeks.

"Yeah sorry I, I was just wishing my parents could be here" I sniffle as Lara hands me a tissue and I dab the corners of my eyes.

"They are, theyr'e in your heart always okay? And remember you always will have us, and the guys and Niall! The love of your life who you are marrying today!" Steph smiles.

I lighten up "I do dont I" I say smiling.

"Yes now lets get your make-up fixed before we get here" Lou smiles.

By the time we arrive at the chapel, my make up is all fixed back to the way it was and I have butterflies in my stomach, the nervous and excited and in love ones!

 Erin, Lou, Perrie go inside and Lara holds Darcy so she can throw the flowers, Lux waits with me too so she can do the same except Lux will walk first and Steph waits with me as she is escorting me down the aisle. I know its not the traditional father daughter one but Steph has been there for me almost half my life and she was the one who helped me through my mum and dads death, so I would love her to be the one to play this role.

"Well, it's time I guess" Steph smiles linking our arms.

As we walk towards the door two men in suits open it for us and the music starts playing.

I walk inside a little more and then I see him, Niall, the man im about to marry in no longer than 5 minutes. He looks amazing in his suit. I cant stop myself from tearing up as I step up the small steps and facing him, his eyes are glistining but he doesnt let the tears fall he just whispers to me so only I can hear "Beautiful...you are perfect" My stomach flips from his words.

We both say our vows and during Niall says his I can help but cry, his words are just perfectly beautiful.

We trade I do's and slide the ring on to eachothers fingers, It brings me back to Nialls promise and boy had he kept it.

"You may kiss the bride" The minister/priest/reverend thingy said.

He put his arms around my small waist and presses his lips to mine. This was definetly one of the best kisses we have shared, the passion we share is way too much for a hall full of my freinds and Nialls family and freinds, but we dont care.

"I think thats enough making out for now, save all that for later guys there are children here" Lara laughs and the people in the rows erupt wiith laughter, I can feel my face flushing and I can see Nialls doing the same as we pull away.

We fill in all the paperwork and finally get into the limo to travel to the reception party.

When we arrive I get changed into a more comfortable but dressy and pretty white dress.

The events of the night go by fast from dinner, cutting the cake and Niall and I's first dance which went perfect, its been amazing.

Niall and I walk down the shore barefooted hand in hand as the sun goes down, we take a seat infront of the water and stare into the beautiful colours of orange red and yellowy purple as the sun goes down. I lay my head on Nialls shoulder. "You know Kate, I love you so much, more than you can ever imagine" He says placing a kiss on my forehead, the sensation of the butterflies and my stomach flipping and dancing every time Niall kisses me I dont think will ever stop.

"And I love you too, sooo much" I say leaning into Nialls chest as we wait for the sun to go down and our amazing and adventurous future of our love.

"Through all of this I still cant believe that Im marrying my biggest crush and love of my life." Niall whispers into my ear.

"Me too" I smile as the sun goes down.

~The End~

(AN) Finished! So how did u like it! So my new book 'Pointless' will be up on Friday in 2 days! at about 4PM GMT thats in britain so I dont know what time itll be up in other countries soz. so hope u enjoyed Nialls Crush! Thanks for readin! Follow me on this plz! ily all bye xxxxxxx

kates wedding dress on the side!

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