9. Triple date

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(A/N) Helllloooooooo no school today coz the bus roof came off! thanx wind! :D

Nialls POV:

It's 4:27 pm and the girls should be hear soon, I can't wait to go out on a date with Kate (an-wow that rhymed!). All of a sudden the door opened and three amazing looking girls rushed in. I caught sight of Kate and wow! She looked great! I can remember back on holiday she wore something the same except they were shorts and I felt the same butterflies as I do know, she looked wonderful!

Kate's POV

As as soon as I walked in the door and caught a glimpse of Niall I could have fainted, he looked sooooooooo hot! He was wearing skinny jeans and a cute polo, his hair was done to perfection! and had Jordan's on, he looked awesome! "You look beautiful!" Niall gushed. "Thanks and your looking pretty great yourself Horan!" I said. "Bla dee da bla!" Zayn said. "What?" Niall asked "Hurry up or you are going to be late haha!" Zayn laughed. He said as he ushered us out the door "bye have fun" Zayn said. "Not too much!" Liam said winking. "Yes mother!" Louis said skipping outside, we got out and into the black limo, once again Niall headed for the Haribos. "Mmm Haribos!" Niall said. "Oh I can't wait!" Niall said with a mouthful of Haribos. "Same!" I said jumping onto his lap.We drove to Nandos and pulled into the car park. "Okay everyone put these on" Harry said as he handed us hats and sunglasses. Niall, Louis and Harry put them on. "What are these for?" I asked. "so no paparazzi or fans spot us" Niall said. We put them on and got out, we walked into the restaurant and took the hat and glasses off. "Name please" A women said not looking up. "Styles, Harry Styles" Harry said in a Kames bond like way while Louis snickered. The women's head shot up, she looked about the same age as me, maybe slightly older. But a whole hell of a lot of make up on! "Oh my god, Harry, Louis and N-Niall" She whispered taking deep breath before she pounced at Niall and shoved her tongue down his throat. My blood boiled in fury and I had no control over myself so I took a fistful of her bright red bleached hair and yanked her to the ground. I walked up to Niall and he put his arm around me. "Sorry babe fans do that a lot" He whispered chuckling at her on the ground. "Get out now!" She spat at me. "I don't think so, I'm getting the manager" Lara laughed. She came back with a Small plump man with a pissed off look on his face. "What's going on here Megan!" He shot at her. "She put her tongue down my boyfriend throat" I said. "But It's Niall Horan sir, what what did you expect me to do!" She said bemused as if she was in the right. "I expected you to take them to a table and serve them! Now I expect you to get the hell out and never come back here again!" The manager yelled. She huffed and stomped away to get her things She came back with a sly smirk on her face. "Well go!" The manager said. "Okay but first!" She said with her lips puckered up, she leaned in to kiss him again. Not this time b*tch! I shoved her away and slapped her, she scrambled out the door. At this point I realised everyone was watching us, thank god no one had there cameras out and no fans were here. "Sorry about that, let's get you to the table and it's on us, Mr Styles party I presume" He said. "No it's fine, and yes." Harry said as we were lead to the table. I grasped Nialls hand and sat down kissing him on the cheek. We ordered and waited, talking about what's been going on over the past four years, I told him about my parents and Steph and I living together and all that stuff. Steph talked about moving out and her parents and how awesome it is living wit me *blush* haha. Lara was saying about how her parents are working all the time and gets the house to herself so almost every weekend she has parties which is great. She also told us about her horse "Can I ride it on the moon!" Louis asked. Lara laughed and explained how she won second and first place in the Olympics for riding which is well cool! The food finally came and was delicious!

*4 hours later*

Nialls POV

"Will she be okay!" I asked the doctor. "Probably, it's not severe but she has a concussion" The doctor said. Kate was rushed into the hospital room and was Kate's down on a bed. Your probably wondering what happened, well after Nandos we went to a club and the Fans sort of took things a bit far.

(A/N) dun dun duh! cliff hanger I hate cliff hangers but hahahaha! It's snowing! please be another day off school tomoz! busses don't come 🙏🙏 haha then I can write more byyeeee! ;)

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