23:good news

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Okay this is just a short chapter revealing Nialls plan :) and I'll update later too with Kristies.

Nialls POV

I pulled her in and kissed her, "Its all okay now baby you have me and ive got you" I smiled.

She smiled to but then it turned into a frown.

"What?" I said confused.

"You are going away on tour for 4 months I wont have you" She said with watering eyes.

I began to smile, remembering the boys and my plan.

"What? Why are you smiling?" Kate asked.


"Well this morning when you guys left including Perrie, she went to a record some songs with Little Mix and they ere going to Florida too. We were thinking of plans so you could stay with us." I said smirking.

"But as much as we would like too we need to go back to school Niall" Kate frowned.

"Yeah I know so Liam got the idea of...hiring a tutor for you guys..." I trailed off to see how Kate would react.

She gasped smiling.

"But where would we sleep, what about management, and the media, they would go nuts, our clothes" Kate said really fast.

"Kate slowdown we already thought of all that" I said reassuringly.

"So management?" Kate said.

"They werent too happy about it but we kept moaning and moaning to them and they gave in and they said if we can make sure no one spots you all they are fine with it" I smiled.

"Really! But where would we sleep and put our clothes and belongings?" Kate asked perking up.

"On the floor" I joked

"Hahaha but really?" Kate asked.

"Kate its huge! You really need to see inside, ill take you it tomorrow" I said.

"Aaaw but I want to see it now, pleeeeaaaassee can we go see it?" Kate begged.

I laughed "Fine lets go but be quiet we will sneak out" 

We got out of the hot tub and got dried and dressed.

"Lets go!" Kate whispered.

We tiptoed out past the living room and could hear the movie blasting through the speakers. We got to the door an opened it and got out.

When we had left the apartment a few drunk girls came up and wanted pictures with me I went along with it and gave them what they wanted and after they wobbled away we got in the car and drove to our apartment where our bus was parked in a car park behind the building.

I parked near it and took the keys out to open it, once it was unlocked I lead kate in turning the lights on.

"Wooooaaaaah!!! This is awesome, its huge!" Kate exclaimed.

"Now do you understand how you can stay, go explore upstairs and everywhere" I said.

"Okay! Wait, what is that smell" Kate said.

"Oh youll get used to that" I laughed as did Kate.

She went around the bus looking everywhere and realized the beds were huge and could sleep with me or in the other spare beds, then we got to the junk bunk.

"No fucking way!" She shouted.

"Haha what?" I laughed.

"Its the junk bunk! Im actually seeing thee junk bunk!" Kate said emphasizing the 'thee's.

"hahahahahaha, so what do you think, would you want to come with us?" I asked.

"YES!!!!!!!!!!" Kate shrieked.

"Hahaha okay no need to burst my eardrums" I laughed.

"Okay so what about the tutor and getting all our things here?" She said.

"Well we were going to sort a tutor out for you and he or she will need to come with us, so we were going to hire a cool one so theyre not all boring and old. And when Harry, Louis and Liam ask Lara, Steph and Erin if they want to come  we were going to take it all up in one of our cars" I explained.

"Yeah but wont that cost alot of money to hire a tutor?" Kate asked.

"You just leave that to us" I smiled.

"I love you"Kate smiled.

"I love you too" I said.

We went out of the tour bus and I locked the door behind us, We got in the car and drove back  to Kates.

As soon as we got in it was about 11PM and were tired so we went to bed.

K next one will be updated soon today with Kristies evil plan youz are gonna hate me >:) bye for now x

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