16. Back to School D:

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(A/N) hi sorry haven't updated but I've been ill for the whole weekend including now yuk 😟 so soz if it's crappy! On the bright side no school :)

I wrote that note ^ on Monday and now it's Saturday! So sorry, well after long wait here you go!

Kates POV

It's 7 am Monday morning, just 5 more days left of school and then it's graduation and summer yes!

We are all at the boys apartment again but it's just Steph, Lara, Erin and I who are up. Yep, Liam got Erin to stay over, they are a 'thing' now aha. We all go to the same school but seen as the school is huge we don't know everyone in our year so Steph and I didn't know Lara and Erin but we know each other all well now. Lara and Erin already knew eachother, they are in the same class!

I got up out of the bed Niall and I were in and grabbed my duffle bag that was in the corner, I had put my clothes, make up and toiletries in it yesterday when we left my apartment.

I walked into the en-suite bathroom and locked the door, I brushed my hair and then applied make up then I got undressed and put my clothes on. I had showered last night so it would be easier for me. I brushed my teeth then went out and plugged my straighteners in the wall. I lightly curled my hair then went out and downstairs.

The girls were all there eating pancakes, Harry was at the frying pan flipping some. "Mmm smells good but Harry you could have stayed asleep" I said.

"No it's fine I just wanted to say bye to my girl before she leaves!" Harry said in a morning voice while hugging Lara. She giggled and ate her pancakes.

I ate up mine and they were delicious, it was time to leave, the limo was going to take us to school today but by the time we opened the door, four tired boys came running down the stairs.

"We are coming!" Louis shouted.

"Were going to school Lou!" Steph laughed.

"Oh well c'mon!" Niall said running out the door.

They all had their pyjamas on along with a pair of trainers, they looked funny.

We all got into the limo. "Where's Zayn and Perrie?" Erin asked.

"In their bed" Liam laughed.

"You better hope no-one sees you all when we get out!" Lara said.

"We'll stay hidden so no-one will" Harry said.

The limo drove through the gates into the school, we peered out the tinted windows and found eyes on the limo, lucky no-one is able to see In or we'd be toast!

The limo parked and we got out the door warily after giving our boyfriends a hug, making sure no-one could see in we shut the door and we all walked to the door.

The four of us were given glares as we walked in the school, mostly by girls. We were met by Kristie Kowalski as soon as we walked in. She had the ultimate death glare plastered all over her face.

"Hi Kate" Kristie growled.

"Um hi" I said "What do you want?"

"I want you off my man to back off, to die!" Kristie spat.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked confused.

"I seen you and your bitch of a friend going back stage into One Directions dressing room, what were you the prostitutes! Because prostitutes aren't supposed to flirt with Niall Horan which I already told you he is my future husband! So what the hell do you think you are doing?" Kristie yelled.

"How did you even know this? and just because you say he is yours doesn't mean it's true!" I said this time with confidence, it's time to stand up to this bitch.

"I was a few spaces behind you in the line and when I tried to get into the dressing room too I saw you and that other bitch going in! And it does, because he said he will see me around when I said I love him!" She growled.

"Well mind your own business! An I know that's bullshit because Niall is my boyfriend!" I yelled. Crap I just told her!

"I know but he'll just be using you, why would he go out with you? Yuk!" She said sticking her tongue out.

"He is not using me and how the fuck do you know?" I said confused.

"Because I seen you all on your little date at Nandos, I work there! Oh and there's the bitch colleague I work with, YOU needed to take their table when I was clearly going for it" Kristie stomped, she was acting like a five year old.

"You were painting your nails!" Erin said.

"Look we don't have time for your crap Kristie, just shut the hell up and get on with your pathetic life!" Lara said putting her head up and walking away as we all did.

"You all better watch your backs! There is a lot of girls who hate you all in this school including me! So be ware sluts! " She yelled.

Thank goodness that it's the last week of her shit ever, then absolutely out of all our lives!

We continued to get glared as we walked to the locker hall, Kristie must have told everyone what she saw.

"Little sluts" One girl murmured as she walked by.

"Hey guys I was wondering if we all could hang out some time! Then I could meet 1D!" Another stranger said.

We walked by them all to our different lockers.

I can't wait until Friday, a whole week of this shit is going to piss me off but who cared, I'm dating Niall Horan, My crush, I have awesome new best freinds, It is only a week left not like a month so it's all good. But I can't wait to graduate!

(A/N) yay finally! It's not too short is it? thx for reading! :)

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