25: Hospital

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An sorry haven't updated in a while, been busy with school :( maths test comin up and it sees what level of Maths I'll be in in S3 which is like 8th grade or 9th? I dunno but it's a pain in the ass! anyways...

Nialls POV

I've been in here for over two weeks now and today I'll hopefully be getting out, the police have came over and asked me questions about the man who stabbed me and are on the track to finding him. A security camera picked up two people walking out of the alley, one of which I identified to be the man who stabbed me and the other was female. Kate thinks it's Kristie and truthfully so do I but there's no evidence so the police can't do anything about it.

"We found something" Said an out of breath officer rushing into the room that I've stayed in for over two weeks.

"Really? What?" I asked curiously.

"A knife with finger prints and your blood, we have took it to the forensics lab to identify who had held the knife." he said smiling.

"Okay who is it?" I asked curious again.

"A man called Mark Kramer, the police are going over to him right now to interrogate him, as for the other person in on this, who you suspect might be Kristie Kowalski, we will try and get anything out of him about her too" Explained the officer.

"Okay thank you officer" I smiled and walked he walked out the door.

I went to get changed and had a look around, I will never miss this place, the food for one, disgusting! And even though I'm still alive and my stomach is in much better condition and the wound has healed, I could have easily died if boredom.

I'm supposed to be on tour right now with everyone and yes, the guys told everyone about then coming and they were over the moon about it, I can't believe we have to wait another two weeks!

When the fans found out I was in hospital, it was crowded with screaming fans, I felt really bad because it was hard for ambulances and things to get through so police needed to come and sort everything out.

Management told our fandom that I was In hospital because of my knee and I got out last week. Which pissed me off, I hate lying to our fans I hate management for always making us lie!

Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, Kate, Erin, Steph and Lara are at there own houses freshening themselves up seen as they couldn't use the hospital showers.

Then they would come pick me up after, I stepped in the shower which was in a room along with a toilet and bath and sink. Then I cleaned up and stepped out.

I wrapped a towel around me then secured it and put shaving foam in my face, I shaved seen as I almost had a scruffy beard which I don't think I suit at all.

Once I had done that and impersonating McCully Culkins screaming after outrun aftershave on except not as loud ofcourse! I got dressed In a pair of skinny jeans, my white Supras, a polo....Kate brought me the clothes and I've not worn that in ages, I bet she done it on purpose!

Then I put a hoody on.

I walked over to the unit next to the bed, my phone started ringing. Kate.


"Hey how are ya" Kate asked.

"Okay, it only hurts a little when I walk now"

"Thats good, we will be there in 5 minutes babe"

"Okay love you"

"love you too bye"

I hung up and smiled to myself while packing the few things I had like some clothes and toiletries, stuff like that.

 One of the nurses named Dianne in her late thirties walked in the room.

"Hi, just coming in to collect your bed sheets, how are you feeling?" Dianne asked.

"Okay thanks, thankyou for all your help and ofcourse the others too" I said, the staff were really kind.

"No problem atall, it was a pleasure meeting you" She said.

"You too" I smiled and walked out the door with my belongings not wanting to stay in that dull room any longer. 

As I passed through the corridors I said goodbye to the doctors and nurses I knew and also signed a few autographs and took pics with a few young fans about 7 or 8 I passed.

When I got to the reception I signed myself out and waited for everyone.

Suddenly there was a big commotion and everyone bolted through the door, Zayn pulled me by the arm and in a flash we were in the limo.

"What was with the rush?" I asked rubbing my arm.

Harry pointed to the window, I looked out and there was a mob of directioners running towards the limo.

"Okay step on it" I said.


We arrived at the apartment and i was relieved, finally back, not been here in like 2 weeks and now we have to stay here for another 2! 

I just wanna go on tour grr!

"Glad to be back Nialler?" Kate said by my side.

"Definitely!" I said as my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered, it was an unknown number.

"Hello Mr Horan Im PC Stan, we have here the suspect Mark Kramer, we have full proof he assaulted you and he has also confessed he is a hitman and was hired by Kristie Kowalski, It turns out that the two have been wanted for questioning last year, they were the suspects of a car theft and gun assault. These crimes add up and could be sentenced to about 12 years in prison or more, due to the judge"  The officer said. 

"Really? Well thats great so when is the trial thing?" I asked curious to get these two locked up.

"We are not exactly sure but maybe about 3 months, I understand you will be on tour at that time but would it be ok if you take a break?" He asked.

"Okay and Im sure we can yes" I said.

"okay thankyou Mr Horan we will be in touch, goodbye" PC Stan said

"Thanks bye" I said, then ending the call.

I had a huge grin on my face. I cant believe they can be put in prison for 12 years! 

"Why you so happy Niall?" Kate smiled

"They've been caught!We were right about Kristie and Some guy called Mark, the trial is in three months, they can be put away for 12years!" I said excitedly.

"I knew it was that bitch! And 12 years Yes!" Kate said hugging me jumping up and down.

"Wait wont we be all away with you guys on tour in three months?" Lara asks.

"Yeah, im sure we can have a break." I reply.

"Ok" Lara says.

"Right im in the mood for pizza, who wants?!" I shout.

I get a whole bunch of yes' so I pick up the phone and order 5 large Pizzas.

AN Sorry i havent updated in aaaaaaaggggggeeeeessss and i dont know about prison sentences so bear with me :) Story hasnt got long left then my new story 'Pointless' will come out, I know whats happenin in that so it wont be all over the place like this aha 

Thx for readin :) I wont be able t update everyday anymore so ill update maybe once or twicw a week :) Love ya all bye! x

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