Magic Tricks (Dark x Antisepticeye)

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I have never liked Antisepticeye, aka Anti. I'm pretty evil, but he's just malicious. Since learning more about being human, I've found that I'm a lot more peaceful...apparently Anti hasn't learned anything about humanity. When he comes into the human world, he's clueless and cruel. He's currently sitting on the deck staring at me in envy. Since I've gained humanity, I've also gained the ability to feel and be felt...which means swimming in the pool is a lot more fun. I like the feeling of water on my skin. I jumped out of the pool, turned myself into a big black dog, and shook until I was dry. "How was your swim?" Anti asked, bitterly. "It" I said, hesitantly. I didn't want to start some dumb argument. "At least one of us can do that." Anti said. He attempted to jump in the pool, but remained bone dry. The water simply traveled through him. "Ask Jack for some humanity. Mark used to give me mine, but I've acquired my own through being up here for so long." "Humanity, eh? What's it entail of?" "You feel, Anti. Feel people, feel water, feel everything. Tames you a bit too. Feels nice. I can still do my job...invade Mark's soul and teach him a lesson or two about controlling negative emotions...but I'm so much...happier? I guess that's the word." Anti made a face. "Demons aren't supposed to feel happiness. They aren't supposed to play, they aren't supposed to laugh, what has happened to you, Dark?" I was puzzled. "Nothing. I'm more human...I'll always be a demon like you. Nobody can see me except other spirits, Mark, and people Mark truly cares about. I'm still plenty evil, I've just adopted a more human nature about it. Ask Jack for humanity...and maybe you will be able to get it without him someday, like me." Anti looked deep in thought. God, it killed me to have to be nice to this guy. He was such a pest. Meanest demon I had ever met, and salty about everything, too. I was never that surly. "Humanity sounds stupid, the only benefit I see is being able to brush by someone's leg and scare them. I'll ask Jack regardless. What does he have to do?" I bit my lip. "Well...I come from Mark's blood...he bleeds, and I bleed right out with his blood...I guess it depends on how you come out of the demon realm." "That's easy, I come from anger. I just slip right out of one of Jack's angry tears, or sometimes I come straight out of his mouth." Mark had to kiss me with his blood on my lips to give me temporary humanity...I had no idea how to help Anti out since he isn't a 'blood' demon like me. "I dunno then, Anti, maybe it's blood for you, too?" "Well I don't want to kiss Jack. That's gay. I'm not gay. Are you gay or something? You seem awfully flippant about having kissed Mark on numerous occasions." I blushed a dark blush. I've never been gay, I've always been bisexual. I love sex, what can I say? I'll do it with anyone. Fat, skinny, young, old, male, female, demon, human...I didn't really want to answer Anti. "I'm not gay. I'" Anti rolled his eyes at me and stalked off to find Jack. I exhaled sharply. I really couldn't stand that guy, and yet, for some reason, I noticed myself becoming quite aroused as I watched him walk away.

It was getting to be late in the evening. I was sitting alongside Mark while Jack sat alongside Anti. I was hovering above the couch, I still haven't gotten the hang of sitting. The couch feels weird on my ass, ok? Anti kept eyeballing me with those solid green eyes. I let out a low growl only demons could hear to let him know I noticed and wasn't thrilled. His eyes flashed in an evil manner. They even startled me. I made myself invisible to Mark and Jack. I hadn't communicated telepathically with anyone in so long I wasn't sure if I still remembered how. Anti made a face at me.

You have eyes in the back of your head? He asked me, through telepathy of course. 

No! I was trying to say keep your eyes to yourself...I'm a little rusty at this, excuse me. I don't do this often it gives me a massive headache. What'd Jack say about humanity?

Nothing! Mind your own business, ok? And stop hovering over us, Jack is going to think you're insane.

Nobody can see me but you right now. I learned a little...magic trick I guess...I'm totally cloaked right now...only other spirits can see me.

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