Best Break Up Ever !!!??!!!?!!!

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Ruby POV

I sighed and went to find Sapphire. I found out she was no where to be found. Then the corner of my eye I saw her, she had just finished and was walking to the trash can.

Sapphire POV

I finished my lunched and a firm hand, I thought to obsidian. But to my surprise it's the cute guy from earlier, i forgot his name thought... but he is hot... i bet he could teach me a lesson or two... I stopped my thoughts I have a boyfriend . He was talking and I wasn't paying attention I was about to ask him to repeat, but his face had worry & fear. He lowered his head and he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of my boyfriend kissing a cheerleader. I wanted to feel hurt but I wasn't, I was happy, I had a reason to break up with him I hugged the guy he blushed... why would he blush? I asked myself,  I said thank you to the guy leaving him confused. I ran as quick as I could to find obsidian,which is pretty fast, as soon as I saw him I just said it out loud that I wanted to break up, not having a care in the world. He asked why, I told him that I saw him kissing a cheerleader his face went dead and he looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it I walked away and he tried to grab my arm and I dodge him. He said my name but I couldn't care, I was so happy I was free from him ,from the fights, from the pain of down the road. I went the long way so he couldn't follow me, and I got to the sight of my next class I sprinted in taking what ever seat was free. I sat and realize everyone was giving a questioning stare, the teacher came in and questioned everyone, about the staring by the time she asked they all stopped staring. I realized I sat again, next to the cute guy I smile and said thank you. Again.

Ruby POV

I felt weird but with a sense of power as I walked out of lunch. Went into class I sat down with crew they where talking about a trip that we where planing. I laughed at lil joke that was actually funny coming from rose, I was about to say something but Sapphire ran in and hopped in the seat right next to me. I blushed, I felt my palms get sweaty, the hair on my neck had risen a little, but why did she come in and sit next to me, super quick, I was still confused. Then the teacher walked in and asked us why we where staring at Sapphire we all stopped but I took a little longer and she said thank you with a smile, "No Problem, hey I never got your name" I replied in a whisper, Even though I knew her name, Sapphire Frost for Student President. "Sapphire,you?" She replied "Ruby" I shot out immediately, I knew I wasn't paying attention to class I quickly tried to focus, but it was to late, the blush came to my face before I could turn. I slightly turn my head and she's smiling and let a little giggle come out and started working on the lesson. I turn the other way and the crew, except for peridot, is just smiling so hard at me and I mouthed Greg. " giggle for no reason, she likes me." His eyes started to glow he couldn't stop smiling, I'm sure it's a relief of picking our you girl or your best friend, I thought as, Greg told the rest of the crew.

Time Skip(2 Days)

Nobody's Pov

Ruby had became friends with Sapphire, and Ruby had a plan. Sapphire could feel it, and soon enough he'd ask her to come over his house.

Sapphire POV

Its better than going home to a depressed father all he did was drink and if he wasn't doing that he was setting me up for something or someone. I saw obsidian down the hall and cringed but I went back to thinking... and thought of my dad the day.. The car crash it took my mom,my mom,my eye, I realize Ruby was just looking and waiting for answer."Yeah not like its a nothing more than us playing games" I said promptly. He smiled and said "Well I just have to get you after I get out of class and we can go." I smiled and waved.

Ruby POV

I asked Sapphire to come to my house she took a moment but she said yeah. I realized that I had took a ride with Amy and the goals, I'd have to ask them to ride with Greg the thought shot in my head as I was walking. I had to run to them, and I wasn't worried because peridot owed me because I helped him get lapis. I asked they agreed man this should have been this easy. I thought got lost into my own world before I knew it, I was waiting for Sapphire said by to the crew and I told her that Amy was gonna drop us off............

Ik cliff hanger yeah yeah yeah


dited 3/14/17

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