Ice Breaker

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You can skip these chapters unless you want some light hearted stuff, but if not skip to chapter We're Back

Ruby pov

After parking the car and bring the bags into the house. I smiled, it's been a while since I've stood in here. I had to turn on the power, which was behind the house. I told sapphire she gave me a hug, like I was going to never come back... that's new, I went to turn on the lights and came back. She was standing in the living room, looking a bit more on the red side than, the milky dark chocolate, I loved. "Are you cold?" I asked, she nodded. "Hold on to me, I'm always warm." I said, slightly heating myself up. (Yeah I know I'm just adding the powers deal with it.) She hugged me, and asked "Is this all we came up here for?" "No, Not one bit. I wanted to cherish this moment for a minute. But if you want to get into the fun right away, we shall have fun." I responded, while pulling away from her. I grabbed the skates, and waved them in front of her face. She had the biggest smile, "How did you know, that I love ice skating?" She questioned, before I handed her her skates. "Your father and I are talking, it was lowkey. But I just told you that we were talking on the lowkey." I replied after walking outside and stepping onto the thick ice, amazing weather we have in the states. I held out my hand, "Care to join me?" I cocky said, she took it and pulled me either onto the ice. More aggressive on ice than most other times, just like he said. She started to circle around me, then dash off into a direction, I followed as quick as I could. Damn, she is even fast on ice. She slowed down, and laughed "Come on, hold my hand." She said now holding her hand outwards. I grabbed her hand gently we started strolling down the lake. "So what did you really want to bring me here for?" She asked speaking among the wind blowing. "Well for 1 it's a family tradition first anniversary, family log cabin luck. 2 I also wanted to talk, and get outta of that stuffy college." I said looking at her stunning face. "Tradition?.... mm so your counting that?" She asked, I nodded "And talk about what?" She questioned "I think it should be better if I tell you when we are off the the ice, chilling on front of the fireplace or some shit." I said looking at the cabin... Then towards her again. "Lets enjoy skating a lil bit more though." We kept skating, and nothing but small talk, until the sun had set... I pulled her close to me and pressed my lips against her soft luscious lips, I wasn't forcing her to so anything, just a simple sweet long kiss. As we pulled apart I said sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't like this at the beginning of our relationship." "Sorry of what?" She asked, "Me not being sweet and gentle, I was more of a nigga on a mission, then the sweet ruby, i am being today." I responded pushing her bangs back she flinched at the touch. "Its okay ru, I like them both." She said looking into my eyes, before leaning in to kiss me slow... I can't be gentle all, for the whole week, if I keep getting these types of kisses, mmm. This felt so right, but I'm hiding secrets, which I have been keeping for a year, guilt is gonna fuck up this perfect kiss. I hesitated to pull away, but guilt won. Leaving a unreadable face on sapphire, I skated and pulled her forward then I started to spin us around in a circle till we were just spinning & smiling. Fuck the guilt, I'm in love with her, fuck guilt, I'm going to tell her anyways. I pulled her back into a passionate kiss. Not listing to my brain and listened to my heart, was a good idea. I hated how much my heart and brain argued, but they both could agree that, Sapphire is number 1 priority. I pulled away to see her eyes closed, I smirked and licked my lips, and said. "Now that, that is settled, let's get to talking with your favorites caramels and hot chocolate, under covers, and all those great other things, you love." "You really love me? Ru? Don't you?" She asked "With all my heart." I responded while I pulled her close to me again. We walked to the cabin took off our skates, left them on the porch I grabbed some firewood and threw it into the fireplace, sapph got the snacks, I got the covers. Once I got the fire started after 1 try, definitely not using any of my powers ;) ;), I sat down on the couch, she came back with hot chocolate. I got one and took a long sip, she placed hers on the table and started attacking the carmel, but beforehand she asked again "Ru why did you bring me here?" She paused then said "Either than tradition." "You have asked me before about a romantic get away, and also you wanted to know about... you know." I replied. "Ru, please tell me the story." I took another sip of the delicious hot chocolate.

"Well where do I start, okay. So 2 and a half years ago me and peridot was walking to my ex's house, which peridot was there because he became jaspers nerd, homework... Yeah that arrangement. But we were going break up the tie with that house. They didn't take it well, the next day I had practice and there was a science fair, Peri is such a nerd, you know that already, but we were both at after school programs. But when the both practice and science fair were finished we where walking to his car. And the sound of tires screeching is all I heard, I turn my head and a car is coming straight for us, I try pull peridot he had head phones in he hasn't hear a single sound, and I think he was talking to someone about a game so you could never distract him from a game. I stepped on my shoelace when I backed up causing me to yell his name, he turned and was trying to pull me up, I tried to pull him out of the way.... but it was to late. His bone just snapped... The noise it made. I can't ever get outta my head. Because hearing your best friends entire bottom part of his body bones being cracked, is what I hear every time some one brings up my anger switch being broken. Anyways I remember the license plates, tracked that fucked down. As soon as I got near the bitch, I exploded as soon as I was in the room with the guy. Not gonna lie I could have said that information to the police. But my brain wasn't work correctly, it was telling me to kill that stupid son of a BITCH. Calm down. Is what my brain tells me to do now, you see me talking you about it seems relaxing, you always seem to fix my switch, even know it was broken. Thanks sapph." I said before taking another sip. "You know I'm in love with you ruby. Thank you for letting fix your switch." She says sweetly, dammit I hate keeping secrets. I did it in my last relationship because it was toxic, mostly she used me for just my dick, Not my heart. Sapph doesn't deserve me keeping secrets, I can tell she is physically & heart connected with me. So of course I have guilt, she is always loyal... except for the liquor, she can't handle hers. But still the point is that I trust her to be without me with some guys, and not having the thought of her cheating. "Sapph I really don't know how to explain this but..."  I paused contemplating rather she'd accept me or not... "But? What?" She asked in anticipation, she place her cup down. I crawled in front of her sat on the ground on my knees. "This..."I replied before putting my hand up in the air and making it flat, I sparked a flame. Her eyes widened.  I closed my hand and stood up and said " I get if you don't want to be with me now, Shit who would wanna be with this freak of nature?" She pulled me down and sat on my lap, and looked me directly in my eyes. "Ruby, don't ever say that again. I love you just the way you are, personally i have something like that as well." She said before putting her hands at my eye level and making like snow flakes appear on her hands. Wait a minute... She has these to? " I love you from the bottom of my heart." I said before taking her face and giving another passionate kiss, she put her hand on my chest. "You complete me." I said between our kiss, her hands were trailing down my stomach towards Gunther. I stopped  her hand, she gave me a unreadable expression, she asked. "Is there something wrong?" I spoke slow and sheepishly. "The week we will be staying out here I can't have sex with you.... it's all in tradition." I paused. "Sapph it's already hard, don't make it harder for me to stay sane for a week. Trust me, the way your looking makes me just wanna. Uh " I said playfully he put her hands back outwards on my neck, and laughed it off. We spent all night talking about nonsense, shenanigans, and you know I got the best think that night... no doubt of secrets. Our intimacy isn't thru sex, it's just, us talking.

I'm taking here to the hill.

Ruby x SapphireWhere stories live. Discover now