Birthday Party's

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Sapphires POV

I walked in the house,went to my room,started my homework but I couldn't focus I had my thoughts on ruby. Ruby's; smile, laugh, blush, and that damn body, in my thoughts. "Mmm" I let slip out. I was almost done and my dad walked in my room I turned a bit he had a box of beer in the hall but he didn't smell like beer. He sat on my bed and did the finger motioned to come here. I stood up and sat down next to him. " Obsidian told me you broke up with him,he was a good boy he had everything planed out for him he was perfect... Why?" He said while he hugged me."He's a cheater, but dad don't worry I can do this..." I replied."You don't have to worry about him... I'll find you a new and good guy!" He cut me off ."Dad I have a confession, I already found someone He is smart and has a ride out on basketball... And" I spat out."But is he good to you is he loyal? Is he good enough for a family reunion, Christmas any holiday?" He cut me of again. I nodded because I knew he was good enough for anything and everything, I blushed and gave a smile."I want to meet him." He said in a dad tone. I just nodes and hugged him tightly."I'm gonna drinking a beer I'll be in my room if you need me" he mumbled as he walked out the door. I was back to working and finished at 12am on the dot. 6 Hours of sleep feel into my bed jot soon after I fell into sleep.

Time Skip

Sapphire POV still

I yawn and glace to see that I have 15 minutes to get to school I start my shower run down stairs to put some toast in the toaster, run back up stairs hop in the shower do my routine I throw on what ever was in my closet I run down stairs brushing my hair. I grab some jelly spread it on the toast grab my car keys I have 5 minutes to get to school and I realized what I was where while I was down the street I was in Ruby's shirt and had my jacket over it and some ripped up jeans... Skinny jeans. I was fine with what I was wearing before I knew it I was at school I ran to my class wiped of my face ."I made it." I whispered then I walked in and sat down smiled at the crew then the teacher walked in.

Ruby POV

I woke up early again I wasn't mad I had a game to keep me awake but I took a shower first; ate, and then played the game. 10 minutes until school started I finished my multiplayer game and sprayed some cologne and put minty fresh in my pocket I drove my car just encase I was gonna have her come to my place again. I walk and meet up with the squad but sapphire wasn't there I worried a little. But we walked into class as soon as we sat down, she walked in I felt weights drop of my shoulders and butterfly's in my stomach began to rise. She smiled at us all then the teacher walked in, Greg tapped me I turned "yo so what you doing for your b-day?" he whispered."I don't know but if its with her heheh my 18 birthday and then I'm an adult" I replied in a whisper. I had choices but it is probably just gonna be bowling ally year or roller skating oh laser tag... Paint ball but that will her some one but definitely doing laser tag. I look back a sapphire " Is that my shirt?" I question."Yeah is it not okay, or do you just want it back? I woke up late sorry." She replied"Nah you can keep it you look good in it." I said in a flirty voice. She blushed and let a giggle come out, I smirked. (time skip mini time skip) at lunch I asked my mom to set reservations for laser tag pizza and unlimited drinks basically the whole arcade had reservations on it for my birthday I thanked her and told her she had got me enough presents nothing more was needed and I said I love you bye, walked to the crew and told them where we where chilling in a week and some days. They smiled and where so hyped. I dropped sapphire off to her class and I was so done with school,before I knew it I was home and was doing homework I didn't wanna play the game so I went to sleep.

Time Skip Ruby's POV still

I was at sapphires house and was waiting for her to come out. I was nervous but I knew I'd ace it I was nervous because my girl would be watching, sigh. She entered we kissed and drove on to school and school was just flying by and I was at my try out and ace'd it had a 90 overrall best in the state I had so many offers for a team to join. Choices & these thoughts flooded through my mind as I watch my girl rule the stage. She could sing too damn this girl is probably too good for me. I wolfed whistled and clapped she smiled; got her results she ran, hugged me and gave me a kiss. "Thanks for being here for me,now I have to do drama" She happily said, and then we drove to my house. "Mom? Can you come here?" I yelled "Ruby I'm right here."She responded as she walked out the kitchen, I cleared my throat. "Oh well, well, well what do we have here?" She questioned."This is my girlfriend,her name is Sapphire." I responded, Sapphire started to blush. "Well hello Sapphire I hope Ruby had been very good too you, my name is Jessica but you can call me whatever you want, and if you need anything just ask." My mom told sapphire."He has been good, I never knew a jock could be so smart and funny." Sapphire said and laughed with my mom. "Hey mom we are gonna go chill in my room, OK?" I nervously said while scratching my neck. OK I'll make dinner your taco Tuesday I nodded sapphire nodded. We ran up to my room and she turned on my Xbox."Zombies? And why do you have such a good set up?" She asked."My moms a doctor and really doesn't have to pay the bills since my dad saved enough money from the retail businesses and had money put into a saving account for my mom for just bills so she spend it on food,her & myself.

That fucking hurt 1186 words with a muscle pulled fucking hell and its 2am fucccckkkk u guys are lucky I love my fans

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