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Ruby Pov

"So welcome,  we missed you too, come in have a seat. What seem to be the problem, Ams?" I said sarcastically, while closing the door. "Okay a like at the start of school Lapis,  pulled me aside and asked me for a favor,  right?" she asked, like I'm supposed to know. "What was the favor?" I responded "She asked me for old people pills." she said very clearly. "Old people, pills?" I questioned. "You know how old people get it in. Viagra." she replied "OK this is a bit to much I'm going up stairs while you too talk." Sapphire said seeming very irritated,  what's her problem. "Why did she need those?" I asked amethyst  "That's what I was saying. I started thinking like does Peridot's dick not work,  or she was just trying to get her nipples hard. " she replied joking, I laughed.  "No but I did ask her why she needed them, all she told me was she wanted to get more 'action' with peridot." she said being serious this time.  "So why are you ranting in my home?" I asked. "OK get this I gave her some Viagra,  because I thought she was joking. But to find out she was drugging him since school started, and he found out and is pissed at me for giving her the pills. I literally thought she was joking, but everything is being blamed on me. " She explained, best she could. "First,  I thought you stopped holding. Second,  if it just was a joke you don't actually give her the pills. Third, it is a little bit your fault because you gave her the pills in the first place. Fourth, You shouldn-" "You sound like Greg and Pearl." She said cutting me off. "Well we are telling you the truth,  ams you are wrong for this." I said in a stern voice. "Why did I even come here if I was going to get the same response. I'm leaving. " she said annoyed, I grabbed her arm. "Yo,  wait up.  You need to apologize before this gets out of proportion. You know us, we gotta stay together no matter the problem, just like we all said in the sandbox. " I said while looking in her violet grayish eyes, she looked down at her chest and pulled her arm away. "You know I have problems with feelings and I'm never good with them." She responded sheepishly. "Not true you always been there for us, just like we've been there for you." I responded. "No you can't just say like when we were at the sandbox.  What happens right before the sandbox?"

Flash back Play song

It's my first day off preschool,  and they let us go out side and play. I want to make friends. I run to this thing it's full of weird stuff. There a three guys hitting on a little boy,  I tell MS. Light. The boy thanks me, he said his name is peridot. We play in the thingy, another boy comes in to play with us he is 1 year older than me and peridot, it's awesome. We were having so much fun building a huge castle. Then we heard crying, we all look over to the crying,  and there was this girl who like, like she was 1 on the sidewalk getting knocked over. We all jumped up and pushed the dude knocking down the kid. The teacher caught us and we got in trouble. They let us go back and play after they asked us a question. We all sat in the thingy,  playing with its dirt. "Thanks you. " the girl said. "W- what is your name?" Peridot asked "Amm-eth-yst." she said " Hello Amethcyst." Greg said.  "Let's be friends for ever." I said to them all, they shook their heads. " Pinky swear. " Amethcyst said. We all swore on it. "Nothing with break our friendship no super villain or anything in the whole wide world. " Greg said with stars in his eyes.

"You knew there was something wrong with me, as soon as you saw me. Over these what 16 years, you know good n well I can't do people like that. Yeah I might be a party person,  but I'm not a people person. " she said with tears starting to form.  "No I didn't know, i knew that you didn't like people either than Peridot, Greg,  and I, and I know that you have hypothyroidism and albinism -" "Shut up, just because my eyes are ducked,  and I'm almost 20 and look like a 11yr old, doesn't mean shit. " she said angrily. "Calm down, Ams, you are OK with me you don't have to yell. " I said cooing, I got up and stood in front of her. She started laughing, "You know I thought I get some kind of,  remorse or some shit from talking to you. But to be truthful I get the same thing from everyone..." she started to laugh again, "No one will ever understand me." she said with a tear coming out of her left eye. "We all do try to help you Amethyst. We all Love you." I said pulling her into a hug. "But, we gotta fix this situation, with your best friend. " I said turning her to the door.  "Huff I guess, even though I hate making up. " she said sourly.

Eyes are Windows To Heaven and Hell.

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