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Ruby pov

Finals, are this week. For me it's just another basketball game, just a lot more pressure of the win against Homeworlds teams. No biggie  I mean,  no one else has a player like me on their team. "So you think you can come with me, for my performance? " Sapphire asked,  I look at my schedule for this week. "What time is it?" I asked. "Thursday, 3:15." she responded, packing her bag. "Yes, and I expect to see you at the game on Friday. " I replied, helping her pack. "Ruby you know I'd be there,  and we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner, this year. Most of my family are coming, so please be on your best behavior while there. I really want them to like you. " She said in a monotone voice, then zipping her bag back up. "Can mom,  and Derrick come?" I asked. "Of course Ruby, now let's get you packed. " she replied, pointing to my suitcase.

Time skip

First day,  first final. English,  it's easy because we speak it. It's a 100 question test,  in highschool we had more. "I love you, good lucky today Ruby. " Sapphire said before sweetly kissing me. "I love you too, good luck. " I said while dropping her off to her class,  knowing I won't see her until 9 tonight. I reach my class in a matter if minutes, now only seeing a few students in the class I sit down and relax, I got this.

Sapphire pov

I am so stressed about this test, it is literally my future. It doesn't help that I don't have ruby to be here with me  I wonder if he is doing the same. It really isn't hard,  I mean it's just Creative Writing, I write songs for music. I'll be fine. I know I will.  "Class,  I know you are expecting a test. Well if you were listening last week I told you, performances are on Thursday.  You have to to read the poem that you were supposed to write, hopefully you did. " The professor said, then he took a seat. I turn to lapis," Are you freaking out as much as I am?" I whispered."About going up there, no but saying the poem yes. " she responded, then looked at the front of the class. Its quite odd, that I pick a job where you'll have to preform in front of millions, but yet I have stage fright. Well sometimes. "OK who wants to go first?" The professor asked, no one said anything. "So I guess I'm just going to pick a name from the list. ." He responded, then picking up a paper. "Frost, Sapphire. " Why me? "Come on up. Hopefully you've wrote your poem. " He told me, I felt eyes on stab my back as I stood up. I walked to the front of the class, now feeling like I'm about to collapse, I look down to see Lapis with a thumbs up, and a smile. Just need to calm down. I take a deep breath, I got this I think to my self. "This is called,  Red Boy."I paused again to see most people watching, and some writing down things on a paper. I look down at my paper and started to read.

"My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer. They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need. Please stay, as long we need. No one is as lucky as us. We're not at the end but oh we already won. You are the one the one that lies close to me. Whisper's 'Hello, I've missed you quite terribly.' I fell in love, in love with you suddenly. Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms. Red Boy, You'll always be my Konstantine."

Applause, came from the crowd as I finished my poem. "Nice poem, Sapphire. Lazuli, Lapis. I mean Lapis Lazuli. Your first." the professor stated. Lapis stood up and walked in front of the class. I sat down, and watched her poem.

Time skip (lapis's poem is not for this book, babes)

8:45, day one down. "You think you did good? It was pretty impressive to me. " Lapis said, walking out to the guys classes. "I did good,  yours was wayyyy, better than mine." I responded. " In no way, mine was just about a old fling. " she responded, looking away. "Well, you don't have to lie. Mostly everyone knows about you and Jasper, Lapis. But it still was intense and interesting. " I said in a low voice. "Well at least it was interesting. "Lapis responded, now looking forward. "Hey wait up. " I heard a voice say, we turn around. "You,  you. Are that girl, 'Blue', that is plays on the radio right?" The stranger asked, I nodded. "Can I get a autograph, for my little sister. She loves your music. " He asked. "Of course, where do you want me to sign it. " I asked him,  he handed me a book from out his bag. I signed it and walked off. "So, that's a first. " I said to Lapis. "Really? " she questioned, "Yeah, first time for someone on campus to ask for a autograph. Have you gotten someone to do that?" I responded. "Uh yeah, like come on do you not see my dads last name on a street, a condom company, a car company, a book company, and his shipping company. I mean people want to talk to him, and they want him to come back up here just to meet him. " she replied, almost tripping. I laughed at her slip,  "Oh yeah sometimes I forget about how much my friends have, and just laugh at their clumsy antics. " I said in fits of laughter.

Ruby pov

"The classes didn't even have to be long today,  I swear we finished the test in about a hour or so." Peridot said. "True,  but I'm pretty sure I've got a C still. " Greg said. "Aye don't put your self at a C mindset, you probably have a F." I said jokingly, Greg response was a punch to the chest. "Hey hey no fighting,  you know the will kick your asses right to Tim Buck Two. " peridot said,  stopping Greg from hitting me again. "Wait,  where is Tim Buck Two. " I asked peridot. "It's up your ass and around the corner. " I heard Amethyst say as she appears from around the corner. "That's just nasty. " Peridot said to her, she just shrugged her shoulders. "Come on its almost 9, and you know I have sells to make. " she told us. "Stop it, you need to stop. " Greg told her,. "One, if I stop you guys won't nearly see me as much,  I'll be at work for my pocket money. Two, you guys won't have a easy supply, that you can trust.  Three, no it helps me work with people a little. " She responded while walking out toward the others classes. "She does have a point. " I responded making the other two question me. "But hey it's what ever, now these are just the half mark of the semester.So can one of you tell me what's the test about. " Amethyst asked. "No you tell me what the Theatre was like. " Greg questioned."Boring, we had to act out out plays. " Amethyst responded flatly. "It is about The American history, and America's affect on the western hemisphere. " Peridot told Amethyst. "Dumb it down. " Amethyst to us. "The US how we got our freedom, and how we got into out neighbors business." Greg said to her, she looked confused  "The policy's that Roosevelt, Wilson,  and McKinley put in place, and enforced. " I said mocking her. "Don't play me, I dead ass go to sleep mostly in that class. " Amethyst said. "Hey wanna here a joke?" Greg started, I nodded while he looked at all of us. "What's the difference between a tire and 36 used condoms?" he asked, warming up his hand. "I dunno. " I responded. "One’s a Goodyear. The other’s a great year." he said, then and starts to laugh. "If you don't getcho lame ass on with the car jokes. " Amethyst said annoyed. "I don't get it. " I said making them all turn to me.  "Goodyear, is a tire brand. Great year is for all those used condoms. " Greg replied ignoring amethyst remark. "Okay I got a joke." Peridot said,  they groan. "What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?" he asked with a smirk. (I am a gay girl, it's just a joke.) "What?" I asked him,  now interested in the punch line. "A Lick-a-lotta-puss." he said before bursting out in laughter, in which I followed him. "Ok, okay. What does one saggy boob say to the other saggy boob?" Amethyst asked, we all smirk at this. "What?" Greg asks."It said If we don’t get some support, people will think we’re nuts." Amethyst responded, now we all started laughing. "Hello Boys, and Amethyst. " Lapis yelled from far away. I looked up to see the other four walking towards us.  "No wait wait,  What's the best part about gardening?" I asked. "What?" Amethyst  asked. "Getting down and dirty with your hoes." I responded, now having them laughing again. The other reached were we where in confusion.  "What's so funny?" Pearl asked, touching amethyst slightly. "Jokes, that we were telling. " peridot responded, dusting himself off. "Please do not tell me Greg made another car joke. " Lapis said, in which me peridot and amethyst gave her that yes he did look. I hugged Sapphire, and held her hand. "Tell a joke, if you have one. " I said as we all started walking towards the dorms. "What's the difference between or sex,  and anal sex. " Amethyst started. "Amethyst!  That is extremely inappropriate." Pearl squealed. "It's just a joke, and everyone out here are grown so.." she responded. "What's the difference between oral and anal sex?" Amethyst asked. "What?" I asked, with a smile. "Oral sex makes your day. Anal makes your hole weak." In which I started to laugh, everyone else except Pearl stared to laugh.

Day one down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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