Sapphire's Birthday (Ruby Pov)

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A/N sorry this was going to be yesterdays part sorry

Ruby pov

March 18'th, September 10'th gonna have remember those dates... Long term stuff I thought to my self while driving. "Stop here!" She ordered me. We stopped in front of a Mexican restaurant, I saw Greg's van he really doesn't have the best taste. Then I saw Peridots car its a Pontiac Solstice... My dad told me that although he was as a man of bonds he went to work on the old hummer, that's still at the house, Then I saw a white stingray... Probably pearls. I parked next to them, "So I'm a maid now?" I asked her "No, you just spaced out." She responded a little bit annoyed. I laughed and opened the door she got out and walked to the entrance, I locked the doors I was about to open the door when I saw the others behind me from the reflection on the glass door she stopped and turned around about to say something but stopped. "Happy Birthday!" The Crew Shouted "Thank you guys." Sapph responded I slapped up Greg, greeted the rest of the crew "Who's car is that?" I asked pointing to the stingray."Its P's." Amy said, pearl rubbed his neck "Don't be shy, We are all friends." Rose said He stopped scratching his neck, there was a awkward silence, and pearl started to walk in the entrance."And I thought I was weird." Peridot said making a joke of himself, everyone laughed, We all walked in I wanted to pay but it seemed P payed already. A waiter walked us to the biggest and best table in the whole restaurant, I sat next to Sapph, I was next to Peri he was next to Lapis, The rest where on the other side of the table Greg was next to Rose, Amy then Pearl. "Do guys know what you want to drink?" The waiter asked "Sprite!" Peri yelled, to be a joke, then a the whole restaurant looked at him, I noticed some Guys that looked familiar then the girl it snapped it was my ex and some guys and girls, oh how I hate that girl. "Sprite, Lemonade, Coke, Sprite and lemonade mixed." I heard in the background. The crew where looking at me, " Oh sorry, Sprite." The lady nodded and walked of "What where you starring at?" Sapph asked I just pointed at the group " Don't tell me that's her?!" Greg said I nodded, Rose, and Pearl where confused.. Sapph was for a second. "Her... Her, who?" Rose asked "Its Ruby's ex... Crazy ex." Peri muttered We where all looking a the group and a guy came to the table... It didn't take long for me to realize who it was. Its her brother, I turned away instantly, Peri did so as well, he bullied peridot for years. "No... It's Jasper." Lapis said in fear, everyone was confused at that, "How do you know his name?" Peri questioned her "He... Um let's not talk about this here." She insisted Peri was confused but interested. " Ah don't let them kill the vibe, It my girls birthday." I said kissing sapph on her head, then a lady came and placed our drinks on the table "So do know what you want to order?" She asked Everyone ordered, when she left the table was silent and left in confusion. I wanted to shake the confusion off "Hey Greg you remember when you got pushed off the roof, by the one and only Peri?" I asked him "Ha yeah... Don't drink kids... Peridot." He said jokingly "Oh please do tell." P asked "Well we where at this party it was a senior pretty normal party, beer pong you know party games, we decided to play beer pong... Someone got wasted and that some one is right over there..." Greg stopped and pointed at Peri he hid his face Lapis did the gesture to continue " We stopped playing after Peri almost passed out... So we went on the deck some how they put a couch on the roof we went up there, because part core skills. Peri was knocked out a soon as we got up there, then it passed a few minutes so more people showed up and started smoking, I'm not gonna lie puff puff pass..." I stopped at a punch on my arm from sapph the waiter was coming she placed our food on the table with a smile and walked away. Greg continued, " Yeah we basically got high and was drunk, Peri woke up and started to yell at me I don't remember what he said but he walked down the roof and came running full speed at me, I flew of the roof into the pool, everyone on the roof was looking down at me, and the people below they where yelling. I hit the water it stung like a bitch, but at least I was at the deep end. When I came up I saw ruby slapping Peridot, Amy helped me out she was the sober one outta us all weird right? She drove us to Ruby's place Peri was still drunk, basically everyone was still drunk, we passed out on the couch. I don't know what happened after that." Greg started to eat his food "You guys where pretty wild, for senior year." Lapis said "More story's like that please?" Rose asked I was almost done with my food the waiter came back and took our drinks and refilled them, and walked away. "Can I tell one?" Peri asked I nodded so did Greg "The time I got totally shit faced... " He ignored Lapis's glare. "As usual we went to a party they played this weird game it something with can its basically beer pong but way funnier. I played two rounds of that I was buzzed. It was this girls birthday party I found out later she was playing beep pong downstairs and I found Amy down there, Greg was just watching them play he had some cake. Ruby was talking to someone didn't know what but the dude gave ruby something and walked off. I turned to Amy she was drunk being me, I'm stupid enough to get more drunk the birthday girl was playing..." Greg and I started to snicker Peri continued. " I'm a dickhead, cocky guy when drunk, so I started to play with Amy, and the birthday girl and her friend in the first round got destroyed, them second round they won but we where pretty close to winning, Ruby traded spots with Amy. Third round we destroyed them we only had to drink one cup I drank it, Ruby handed me the ball... Me being cocky I tried to do a trick shot I threw it at the wall hoping it should go in the cup,but it nailed the Birthday Girl in the face. She covered her face because it was a crowd of people watch us play ping pong, when she uncovered her face she gave me a death stare I said sorry I shook it off and went upstairs the crew followed, I went and got cake when I took a bite I got that feeling in my stomach I ran out side and threw up. Greg said I couldn't handle my liquor.. Its true, Ruby dared me to go streaking I agreed if he would go with me. Next thing I know two naked dudes Running down the street dunk with there dicks out, the neighbors must have been so pissed because so other dude decided to take a shit on there yard. Greg was recording us running down the street we ran back to our clothes and put them on everyone at the party was dying laughing, I got another beer and stood by the car I drank it threw it out the car and blacked out." Peri said smirking "The Word was that the police were coming soon. I had to drive because sober ruby had some trees from the party, Amy drew on Peri's face immature stuff like dicks and shit and we drove to Peri's house." Greg finished the story. Everyone was Laughing at the crazy story's, everyone finished eating and went home. I drove to her house and went to her room silently, she had a whole half of the house, it was basically her room. I started a bath for her she told me it get in.. well basically pulling me in there, I sighed because I couldn't figure out why I couldn't say no. I took of my clothes and got in the tub facing her it felt weird and uncomfortable, but I lay back and she turned her back to me and lay on my chest little Gunther got excited... Yes I call my dick Gunther." Whoa calm down Mr Woodie." She jokingly said "Sorry." I responded sheepishly "Shy now are we?" She asked I grunted she was giggling. " Do you think we are moving to fast?" She questioned "Well I am a fast past guy so... I'll slow down..." I stopped she was listening very close now. "Hell knowing me I'd probably propose tomorrow." I joked about she threw bubbles at me. "That's nothing to joke about." She replied my phone rang I tried to reach it I failed. She got up and grabbed it answered it, it was Amy she put the phone on speaker, and Sat down on Gunther "Gunther!" I yelped in pain Sapph got up off of Gunther and sat back down. "Who's Gunther?" Amy asked us "Its Ruby's..." sappy started "Controller."I cut her off "Oohh... Well that's an interesting name for Sapphire's joystick." She cheesily responded, I face palmed because that joke was terrible. "Anyways The crew and i are gonna give sapphire her presents tomorrow after school." She stopped "Yeah,that's reasonable. "Sapph responded. " Now you two can finish your Sexual Acts..." I cut her off "Are not having Sex... We are talking in a..."I stopped because I was yelling "In a what?!?!"she asked "None of your bee's wax, bye."I hung up my phone, I plopped it on the ground near my clothes, I took a deep breath. The water was getting cold "Could we get some more warm water please."I asked she drained the water and empty turned on warm water, scooted back teasing Gunther. I could feel my self stiff up when the tub got back to my chest she turned the water off and leaned back on my chest I could have complete access to her body I did nothing because she wasn't in the mood.... Nor was I especially at her house even though it was her birthday I heard soft snores she was asleep... I felt my eyelids get heavy and I soon fell asleep. (Dream I'm extremely tiny) I was swimming I reached the top it was peridot drinking about to drink me I tried to swim away I fell in his mouth but I wasn't wet. I blinked and I was in Greg's hands rose was watching and smiling, I couldn't move rose went to water and Greg did as well they turned to Amy she was looking sick and threw up everything I just saw it went black weird dream I thought sapph was shaking me "Hmm...what its a Saturday." I mumbled I tried to wake up."No we just fell asleep in the tub and follow me to my bed." She said I got up it was freezing cold and walked to her bed picked her cover up she lay on the bed I threw the cover in the air I lay next to her,Cuddled then the cover slowly covered our body's I enjoyed the warmth and went back to sleep I was playing basketball but everyone was frozen the ball was heavy but I could make a dunk so I ran for it the dunk I couldn't jump so I did a layup the ball slammed me on my head knocking me off presumably woke up and I was falling and jumped again of a trampoline into a pool. When I was about to hit the water it went black.

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