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Ruby pov

After everything that has happened in the last few days I'm still not finished unpacking I never got to check out the full campus... I guess Jasper didn't snitch on me because no staff has came to my door or the crew's doors either. Good boy no snitching, snitches get thrown in ditches then they need stitches. I have a problem talking to my self while doing tasks I seem to space out. I finished putting my clothes away stood up and she was on her laptop I jumped on the bed which seem to startle her,"You wanna go on a date?You don't have to get all dressed up for it though." I asked for her to answer "Yes... One sec." She replied "Its more of like barbeque place, ehehh." I said nervously I don't know why though  "Ok, just take me to the studio first." She responded she didn't look at me which was odd because, she didn't have the slightest sense of anger in sight. Weird "Stop staring at me I can't focus." She said with a smile now looking at me and gave me a soft push. "Hey can I ask you something?" I asked her, she nodded I continued "Did I over step my boundaries, last night?" "Yes because there is a time for sex and that was not the time. But at least you didn't proceed with your actions, and didn't start without my consent." She replied looking down at the ground. "Don't be sad, you must be talking about you ex..." I paused and started to grip my hands "I'll kill him."I said under my breath "Don't get worked up over the past, think about the future. My silly Ruby." She said softly while placing a kiss on my nose. I shook of the thought and gave a little smile "Yeah, could you hand me my phone," she placed it in my hand "Did you take more pictures? It doesn't really matter I'll be outside in my car waiting for you." I said while walking away it would take her 10 mins to get ready, I need to check when practice is I quickly ran to campus practice is right after my classes end perfect! I quickly ran back and sat down in my car. Trying to catch my breath, I started to think about things...  I don't really know if I'm gonna do this right, she cheated I took her back if I'm gonna marry her can she stay loyal she should. She was just drunk... Just drunk. Slam! The door car closed she was in the car putting on her seat belt, "I got practice right after my classes." I said to full the dead air "Yeah I know." she replied and took out her phone I started to drive to the studio "Yeah I'm on my ways, yes I am.. I'm so excited." She was talking to someone on the phone her voice was all giddy "Your excited, what's happening?" I asked her while she was hanging up the phone  "Oh its just... A surprise." She said trying not get be excited I put on the radio a few songs came on then her song came on "Are you gonna get an award?" I asked jokingly "Probably, I don't know." She replied she was serious about that I put the car into park and got out of the car something's up, she's more serious and not silly today. I didn't bother to question here just walked inside said hello to the DJs, and sat down in the chairs that where free. She was talking to them and had the biggest smile I've seen all day, I couldn't help but smile. Her face just compliments the smile she puts on, the pretty blue eye that I could stare into for hours, her small and cute nose, the lips and lip stick, and even the makeup.. even though she beautiful with out makeup. I think I spaced out a bit her dad was snapping in front of me, I felt my face get hot they laughed I went along and laughed. "Come on, and stop staring." Sapphire said in a playful tone I followed and sat down she started to sing I was listing I kept staring like the world drifted away and it was only her the music and me. Damn I love her. She finished and handed me the head set I can't lie I love hearing he sing it was my favorite one playing I smile at the fact, she sang my song "Its for the album, this one is what I'm releasing now." She said while taking off the headset and placing it back on she changed the song  it was quite catchy which I quite weird since I only listing to trap rap rnb. We finished there I drove to my granddad's restaurant she was all giggles when we where walking in "Hey pops!" I yelled while walking "Ruby hey grandson!" He replied in a yell he walked over gave me a hand shake hug "And who is this lovely lady?" He asked "This is my girlfriend Sapphire, Sapphire this is Papa Joe." I responded "Hello Joe." She said sheepishly "Why the shyness everyone here calls me Papa Joe, don't be shy sugar everyone here basically are family, so welcome." He said staring right at her face."So your usual table?" He asked I nodded I walked us towards the outside table right next to the fire place. I held her hand the whole way and when we sat I looked her and gave a smile.

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