Ring Rang

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Sapphire pov

I walk up the stairs, I run myself a bath. Then my phone vibrates again, I ignore it, I look into the mirror. I can hear Ruby and Amethyst, arguing about what ever. I don't care, I just want silence. My phone vibrates again, I grab it and throw it on to my bed and grab my note book. I start to write down what's on my mind, I stop the water in the tub. I undress myself, I lick the bathroom door, and place my foot in the water. Finally, silence.

Ruby pov

I walked upstairs hoping to find sapphire on the bed. But she wasn't there, I looked in the other room. No sign of her, I look down stairs. But I was just down here. I go to the bathroom, which it was locked. "Sapphire, are you in there?" I asked placing my head next to the door. I get no response, my heart started to speed up. "Sapphire... " I said worrying. "Yes, ruby. " I heard from the other side of the door. "What are you doing in there?" I asked still worried, I got no response. "Sapph if there is something wrong you can, always talk to me about it. " I said sincere. "I.. Know." I heard from her. "Can I come in?" I asked, "You'll be fine, I'm not doing thing but taking a bath. " she responded, I was getting irritated, I took a deep breath. "I have to use the bathroom. " I said simply. "You are a terrible lair, there's one downstairs. " she said with a muffled voice. "True, but why can I just go in the bathroom. If you aren't doing anything. " I said trying my best not to seem annoyed. "Because I want to be left alone, we can talk about it later." she said, ice was forming on the door. I went and got my homework and sat at the door and studied.

Sapphire pov

I dry myself off, put on my robe. Then I walk to the door unlock it, ruby is sitting there sleep. I crouch down and tip him. "Come on and get to bed, ru. " I whisper to him, he stands up still half sleep and makes his was to our bed. I grab his work, and walk to the room behind him. I placed his work on the desk, my phone started to ring, I grabbed it quickly not trying to wake Ruby up. I looked at the number, and it was my Dad, I answered the phone in relief. "Hey dad. " I said trying my best to sound normal. "Sapphire.. You can't fool your old man. What is wrong with you?" he asked, dammit. "Nothing is wrong." I answered, walking into the hallway. "You are a terrible lair Sapphire, you always have been one. What is wrong?" He relied, in disbelief of there actually being nothing wrong. "Nothing is wrong dad." I lie to him again. "You swear?" he asked. "Yes, I swear. " I replied, with fingers crossed. "Okay so what's wrong, you never swear on anything. " he said in a calm voice. Dammit. "Okay, you got me. But it's nothing really?" I responded. "Nothing is something to me, did someone hurt you, is it something with you and Ruby?" "Dad stop. " I cut him off, them my phone vibrated, I looked at the notification, more spam. I sighed. "Did you pick the wrong person to vote for? You need some money? Did you break a bone? Debt?" "OK seriously stop. " I said in a serious tone. "No there is nothing with me, no no one has touched me, no I didn't even vote, no I don't need money, no debt, no things are good with me and Ruby. " I said annoyed. "Okay, well tell me what's wrong?" he said, then taking the relief sign I knew to well. I  started to walk downstairs into the kitchen. " I was expecting success, but not tons of people. Hitting my line everyday, looking for their five seconds of fame. But don't think I wouldn't help them, I just don't want things to get out of proportion. Before I even jump start my career. " I said, then pouring me a cup of juice then jumping on the counter top. "Well, honey how could you not think of this, when you first decided to go into, the industry. You have to think about the people that follow you, that enjoy you. It's many of ways to think of them, but it's how you handle them, and you can't do your usual and push everyone away." he stopped, took that dad sigh and asked "Did you even talk to ruby about this? Better yet did you push him away? " "No... Yes. " I responded, taking a sip of the juice. "One, talk to him, don't push him away. Never push someone you love away. Well unless they hurt you, and they aren't good for you. Two, that boy loves you," I look to the top of the stairs to see ruby stretch and started to come near me. "talk to him. And no if ands or buts, I mean it, talk to him. " Father finished his sentence. "I will, dad. " I responded, ruby came up and kissed me. "How come you weren't next to me in the bed?" he asked in his sleepy voice. "Dad called. Say hello. " I responded, taking another sip of juice. Ruby looked at my phone and said, "Hello Shawn." "Sorry,  he just woke up. " I said, then taking another sip of juice. Ruby mouthed we need to talk,  I put up a finger,  then pointed to my phone, he had a fit over this, I ignored him and asked. "How come you called?" "Oh,  well um.. I've got something to tell you" she said sheepishly. "Okay dad it has to be really bad when you say it like that. Is it at least good?" I responded, now worried. "No no no,  it's a good thing. " He responded, reassuring. " Well spit it out, we are both adults here. " I said calmly. "So, um.. I know you are going to react a way at what I'm about to say.  So I want to tell you that like you said I'm an adult, and your one as well. So let's act like it okay. " he said very nervous. "Okay dad,  just say it. " I said with a smile. "Your going to be a big sister soon. " he spat out, my smile went away. "What?" I said in disbelief. "Yeah I know, it's been a long time since I've had a kid and all. " he said, I could tell he had a smile on his face as well. "How, Who, Where, When, Why?" I asked, just gibberish leaving my mouth, I placed the cup down seeing how the cup was completely frozen. "How? Because we had sex. Who? Amber. Where? Literally everywhere on the floor the couch-" "Okay Shawn, please stop this is bit to much for me, to listen to. "Ruby said cutting off father. "Dad, I'll call you later. " I said coldly, "Wait, Sapphire don't push me away --" I hung up the phone, I looked at ruby, he looked at me, then grabbed my hands. "Sapphire,  lighten up. I mean it's a sibling, what's wrong with that?" he asked. "No I mean I'm happy for a sibling, but it's just the fact that he is having a child out of the blue. " I responded putting my head in his chest. "So you are a little bit happy, that's nice. Sapph how come it's something to you, but nothing to him? " he asked, warming himself up. "Exactly, he was all on me about safe sex,  but he can just pop kids out of him like its nothing. And expect me to be OK with it. " I said angrily. "Sapph calm down, it will be alright. You could have told him this while one the phone but you just hung up on him. " he said, I laughed at this, I pulled my head back."Never mind, what did you want to talk about?" I said ignoring his stare. "We need to talk about you." he replied now worry filled his warm brown eyes. "What about me?" I asked, looking at the frozen cup, he grabbed my face soft and looked me in my eye, and said. "What is up with you, Sapphire. We were perfectly fine when we came back, but then you got all irritated as soon as we started to settle back in  this dorm. " "I have to deal with a lot of things,  and you understand that. Sometimes things get to me and in the worst way. I don't know how to exactly cope with it. " I explained best I could, he put his forehead against mine and kissed me. "Sapphire.. You don't have to go through things alone. You think I don't have my hands full. I have school, basketball now, my career, my family, and you all on my mind 24/7 every 365 days. I can help you with this sapph, you just have to tell me things, instead of locking yourself in the bathroom or getting mad and not saying anything. " He said sweetly, pressed against me slightly. "You are so good to me. I love it. " I said before kissing him. "I love you too. " He said with his goofy grin.

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