A Little Heart Beat

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This is the next day

Ruby Pov

"I know this, I know that we will be extremely busy next week. So for m6 birthday we can just be chill this year. " I said, to Sapphire. "That seems like, a nice thing to do, ruby. " she responded in her soft spoken voice. "Can you text the others that we are leaving at 7pm all together. " I asked her, before taking off my shirt. "Will do, and pants or a dress?" she asked, then tilted her head. "Dress.. Because you haven't wore one in a while. " I responded, she looked at me and laughed. "Why, do you say that?" She asked, now laughing. "Because I love it when you wear dresses." I said then I walked up to her. "Also I get to look at mines. " I said seductively, making her blush. "Okay... Ruby we have to go somewhere later. " she said now flustered. "I know Sapphire. " I replied, then pulling down my pants. Sapphire covered her mouth, started to blush at me. "Like what you see?" I said in a playful tone. "I'm going to get dressed now. " She responded, then she sped out of the bathroom, I chuckled to myself. I took my shower, brushed my teeth, dried my body, making my hair fuzzy just the way I liked it, put on smell goods, put on deodorant, and wrapped myself in a towel then left the bathroom. I walked into the room, to see a very frustrated Sapphire. "What seems to be bothering you my lady. " I questioned her. "I can't pick which boots I want to wear. " she replied, pointing to her boots. "What boots are you picking from? And could you hand me my boxers and socks." I said, she grabbed her my boxers and pouted like a child. Cute. "No reason to act like that Sapphire, just show me the boots. " I told her, then I put the boxers on and sat on the bed, put on my socks on the bed. "Okay this one." She said turning to me in Black Uggs. I nodded, she started to get the other boots. I started to get dressed, in all red. My favorite color. She turned to me now in knee-high boots. "Then this one. " She said while posing, I smiled at her. "Those ones. I like them more. " I said to her, she smiled back me. "Come on we are going to be late if we don't head out now. " I said changing the subject quickly, grabbing my keys. We headed out the door, to meet the crew. We headed out to the movie theater, watched a movie, then went out to eat, then everyone went to their respective homes. (sorry ran outta ideas for the dialogue so skipping thru this) "Did you have fun tonight? " I asked while closing Sapphires door. "Of course I did Ruby, it was nice and quite. " she responded, then opens the dorms door. "When did you have a time like that?" I asked only egging this conversation on. "Ruby, when would I have ever, I mean when I had I ever had that much fun with anyone else?" she responded, walking into the dorm. "Not even with your dad?" I questioned, she eyed me. "Yes, I had fun with my dad. " she responded, walking upstairs . "What about me?" I asked jokingly, following her upstairs. "Well did you have fun?" she asked, I nodded. "Well your here too, where here together. I mean we both enjoyed tonight. " she replied. "True, so you wanna watch a movie or, just sleep. " I asked taking off my shirt, kicking off my shoes. "Sleep, because god knows I need it. But I'll watch a movie with you before I go to sleep. " she responded, while taking off her shoes. I grabbed both of our shoes and placed them in the closet. "Hand me my pajamas please, Ru. " Sapphire asked, I handed her, her PJ's. I undressed leaving me only in my boxers and, went to brush my teeth, then I started a movie. Sapphire laid next to me, I put my arm around her chest. "I love you... Goodnight. " I whispered, just before she went to sleep. I sat and watched the movie until I fell asleep.

Sapphire pov

He rubs my stomach, excitedly and started talking to it. "Hello there. I'm your dada. " he said to my stomach, I laughed at his goofy self, I tried to stop smiling, but it was nothing but smiles that were needed. "Sapphire, we have to name them. " Ruby said. "Obviously, I was thinking, if it's a boy it can be a junior." I start, but stopped when I had to throw up. "It's okay, sapph. I agree with you on the boy name. " he cooed as I was throwing up. He wiped off my face, with a nearby towel, he smiles at me. "You know I love you right?" he said, moving my hair from out of my eyes. "Yes ruby, I know you do. But I will always love you more. " I said being playful. "Neverrr. " He wined, throwing his arms up. "Yes, always, and you know this." I replied, he leaned forward and kissed me. "Why, you just saw me throw up. " I told him, he just looked at me and said. "I cant kiss my wife when I want? OK I won't anymore okay Sapphire. " he responded with a hand on my stomach. "No I'm not saying that, just I don't want you getting sick. " I replied. "Oh well, I'll just be sick. From kissing the most beautiful woman in the world. " he said sweetly, I smiled. I have to use the bathroom. It went black.

I do really have to use the bathroom, I leave the bed not trying to wake Ruby, and make my way to the bathroom. What a dream, a nice vision.

Sorry for the short chapter, did hella tests today, my mind is full of test answer and stuff, but I wanted to put out a chapter for you guys. Happy Valentine's Day.

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