Love & Basketball

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A/N there will be some memes at the end I think is funny.

Ruby POV

When we got to school I met up with the crew was about to do the secret hand shake with peridot." Yo dude sweet ride its new?" He asked."Nah it same old same car." I responded. We walked in the school feeling like we owned it. School flew by, I have to remember 2:30pm Saturday basketball practice. That's if she doesn't wear me out, I chuckled while I was driving home. We started up a game, we cuddled as we watched a movie, and fell asleep. (Dream lel)  I was at the mall with sapphire I went to get her a Christmas present and went to get some clothes.. I didn't want her to see the present so I ran to the car and his it in the car and ran back In the mall to the store where sapphire was... I touched her she turned around and ⬇

I screamed and I didn't notice she wasn't there I ran and looked for her she was no where to be found and the girl in my dream stabbed me.(dream over) I screamed once again, she wasn't there again she was in the bathroom. I over reacted I knew it and it scared the hell outta me. I hugged her tight all most crushing her.

Sapphire POV
It went black  It was snowing and I was in a room I didn't know of. Ruby was setting up a tree I was handing him decorations. It went black again, I had to go to the bathroom I walked in as soon. As I was about to go sit down ruby yelled and ran in the bathroom and hugged me so tight it hurts. But I was concerned why he yelled and why he was hugging me tight. "Why where you yelling? What happened?" I asked "It was a dream you where there but it was your body but this other girls face I don't know who she was but it scared me, then I woke up but it was a dream you wasn't there next to me I ran to find you then to girl stabbed me then I woke up." He responded. I had took take it in" Babe listen I'd never leave you just calm down don't worry go out and sit on the bed I'll be there in a sec." I softly said." He was sitting under his cover on my phone... Why my phone I didn't care I cuddled next to him and put on a some movie he changed his name on my phone to Life Longer and handed me my phone and put his around me kissed my head  and said sorry then went to sleep soon I did but I liked the show favorite it then fell asleep. It went black and I was in Ruby's hands he kicked a door to a mansion open and kicked it closed and sat me down in the back of the car I was big I was pregnant my body was hurting I was soaking wet. It was freezing it was still snow on the ground he put a cover over me. And he was driving behind police cars. It went black again.


I woke up To ruby putting a plate of food in front of me he kissed me and went to play his game. I finished the food and went to my drawer in his bathroom put out my things and hopped in the shower put on some under wear and a bra on grabbed my bag for out side the door put on my extra clothes I only had a few days left for clothes. "Babe can I keep some clothes here?" I asked "Yeah you already have a toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear, and bras here so why not you can clear out a spot for you in my closet, anything under size M for shirts and 18/16 for paints you can throw out" he responded. I started he came behind me me and helped me. We threw his small clothes in the goodwill basket and we drove of to the mall. He had to have spent over 1.5k on me, he just bought some shoes for him. " Your lucky I'm basically rich" I said as he kissed me while he was taking all the bags out and put them in the trunk. We went to his basketball practice he was all game but I couldn't help but to blush he was trying I loved when he tried and the scratch marks when still on his back. I giggled he was so tired though, I drove us he was hungry I drove to McDonald's the drive thru was completely full so I had the go inside... ↓

A/N fuck you McDonald's hahahha this is not me BTW memes

Ruby POV

I was so tired and hungry I didn't wanna be a bitch but I was being one, She understood and went in she I went on my phone I looked up she was livid she was yelling at the store she opened the door threw me my food put my pop down, and slammed my door and drove off."What's wrong?"I asked "I'm fine!" She angrily said." There obviously is, if your slamming my door... Tell me please." I told her "Fucking bitch was looking at me all fucked up and I punched her in the fucking throat."She yelled "Babe calm down please.... Breath." I replied "You fucking breath, you have someone who looks like shit and tells you that you look like garbage." She yelled "Babe I see where your coming from but you need to chill your driving like a crazy person." I spat out I was getting mad but I refrained from yelling at her."I know I'm driving crazy I'm just pissed that bitch said that to me Sorry but I'm mad right now I'm gonna be mad for the rest of the night." She said trying to calm down. We where at my house I took out the clothes; set them on my bed,went back to the car, and ate in the car. Knowing she was mad she was in the bathroom I lay on the bed, I was just about to go to sleep she hopped on me and kissed me she went to sleep I soon did. I woke up the sun was right in my eyes she had a weak smile and kissed me. My body was sore I just wanted to lay in bed with my girl I turned on the TV and put on the show she put on recently and I liked it to.

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