Rucas: Hopeless (2)

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Two weeks after Lucas Friar found Riley in her bathroom, very close to death, she was finally able to come home from the hospital. The nurses had wanted her to stay longer, but everyone in her life insisted that Riley would be taken good care of.

Riley loved that people were looking out for her, but she hated all the attention. Her phone had been taken away, but she was just sure that the texts that were coming in were nasty. After all, she only ever said nasty things. Riley chose to ignore it, however, knowing that it would be taken care of eventually.

Lucas had never left her side for more than a couple hours at a time. Cory had finally convinced him to at least get his work from school, so every day he went in for a couple hours to talk with the counselor and get his work for the day. Riley was glad, because she didn't want to be any more trouble than she already felt she was.

She honestly felt a little better than she did the night in the bathroom, but she still felt like she was nothing but a burden to everyone on this earth. She talked about this with the therapist she now saw every day, and all the woman ever said back was that she should talk about this with the people helping to take care of her. Riley ignored this advice, however, because that would just make her more of a burden than she already was.

One day, a couple weeks after Riley had been home, Lucas had just arrived back to the Matthews' apartment after his daily trip to the school. He had been staying there, his parents fine with him taking care of Riley, and he couldn't wait to see his girl again.

He walked into Riley's room, and she was gone. He began to panic, and quickly looked out the window. She was on the fire escape. Lucas breathed a sigh of relief.

"You almost gave me a heart attack you know," Lucas said as he walked onto the fire escape, Riley turning to look at him. "You don't have to worry about me so much, you know," she replied, throwing his words back at him, looking at the ground.

"You're my girlfriend. If I don't worry about you, who else am I gonna worry about?" Lucas asked with a smile. Riley gave him a small grin. "What are you doing out here anyway?" Lucas asked.

"I needed some fresh air. I'm sick of being inside constantly," Riley answered. She had not left the apartment since she had been home except to go to therapy. "Then let's go for a walk. I just have to go tell your dad first," Lucas suggested. Riley nodded, and stayed where she was, content to wait for Lucas to get back.

A few minutes later, Lucas returned. He included his sweatshirt that Riley loved to borrow so much it was basically hers and a pair of Uggs for her to wear, as he realized on his way back to join her that she was in slippers and a tank top in November. Riley took them graciously, and put them on before beginning to descend the fire escape.

At the bottom, Lucas asked, "Right or left?" Riley pointed right, and that's the way they went. They walked for quite awhile, before Lucas realized that it was getting late. "Let's go home," he said, grabbing Riley's hand as the two began to walk that way.

Upon returning home, Riley was met with a note from her parents saying that they were taking Auggie to the movies, and that they would be back later. Riley sighed, and said, "Well I guess we're making dinner." Lucas nodded, and the two went to the kitchen.

They decided to go simple and make chili and grilled cheese. Lucas made the chili while Riley went to go change out of the clothes she was in, feeling in the mood for a change. When Riley got back, she began making the grilled cheese. They were done at about the same time, so the two fixed their plates and sat down to eat.

Conversation was light throughout dinner, and they both went back to the kitchen to clean their dishes when they were done. Riley washed and Lucas dried, Riley insisting on doing the harder thing since Lucas had cooked the harder thing. When the dishes were done, Lucas pulled Riley into a hug. Riley curled into him, never having felt safer.

"I love you, Lucas."

"I love you too, Riley."

The two smiled and walked to the couch, planning to watch Disney movies and cuddle for the rest of the evening. Riley was slowly but surely getting better, and Lucas was grateful for that everyday.

A/N: Believe it or not, I started this two-shot in reaction to MJ cutting out the Rucas hug. I'm not gonna rant, but I was pissed, so yeah. I didn't mean for this to be two parts, but oh well. Hope you enjoyed!

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