Rucas- Insecure

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Riley, Lucas, Maya, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle were all sitting at lunch one day during their junior year of high school.

Farkle and Smackle were talking about the chemistry homework they had. Maya and Zay were debating which Nicholas Sparks movie was the best. That left Lucas talking to his girlfriend Riley, but she was very quiet today.

Today was just one of those days where Riley felt very insecure, and Lucas definitely noticed that something was off.

"You look nice today," Lucas started.

"You're lying, but thank you," Riley said with a small smile, going back to playing with her food.

Lucas knew that something was off with that. Usually whenever Lucas complimented her, Riley blushed and giggled before saying thank you.

"Riley, is everything ok?" Lucas asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Riley said, eating some peas.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked, still concerned.

Riley looked at him, her mouth still full, and nodded her head. Lucas still didn't believe her, but he let that answer stay for a little while.

"Really, that color of your sweater brings out your eyes," Lucas continued, knowing that if he kept going eventually she would tell him what was wrong.

"Oh my god, shut up!" Riley burst out. All of her friends' conversations seized, and they looked at her. Lucas knew that they really needed to talk. He stood up and took her hand, pulling her out of the cafeteria and into an empty hallway.

"When did she come back?" Lucas asked, knowing that Riley knew what this meant.

"What? No. She's not back. Why would you think she's back?" Riley asked, wondering where Lucas got that.

"Well you're not acting like the Riley that I know and love, so I didn't know what else to think," Lucas said.

"She's not back. I'm just insecure today," Riley said, looking at her shoes.

"You have no reason to be," Lucas said, taking her hand.

"You don't have to say that. I know that I'm weird," Riley said, walking back into the cafeteria.

Lucas stood there for a minute, unable to process what he had just heard. Riley had always been insecure, and she was slowly getting better, but this was like it was three years ago in the 7th grade.

He knew he had to do something.


Riley was back sitting at the table, the other four having resumed their conversations. She didn't know what Lucas was doing, but she figured that he was just in the bathroom or something.

She saw Lucas walking back in a few minutes later, and he looked like he was on a mission. "What are you doing?" she asked as he looked like he was about to stand on the table. Lucas didn't say anything, but he kissed the top of her head before standing on the top.

"Hey!" he yelled, the cafeteria silencing.

"Lucas, get down," Riley whispered, slightly standing up to tug on his hand. Lucas just pulled his hand away.

"Who here knows or knows of Riley Matthews?" he asked. Almost everyone raised their hands, Riley being well-known because of Cory's teaching position. Riley visibly shrank.

"Now, be honest, who thinks she might be weird or goofy?" Most of the hands stayed raised.

"Who thinks that's a bad thing?" Every hand in the cafeteria went down. Riley's eyes shot up.

"Riley Matthews thinks that it is bad that she is weird and goofy and unique. Can you guys please show her that she's not?" Lucas asked, looking down at Riley who seemed very surprised already.

The cafeteria erupted into applause, Lucas taking this as a chance to get down from on top of the table and sit back beside Riley.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," Riley said.

"Sure I did. Can't have my girl feeling down on herself for no reason," Lucas said, kissing Riley.

"Thank you," Riley said softly. "Always," Lucas replied.

"I love you," Riley said. "I love you too," Lucas said back, kissing Riley one last time before going back to his lunch.

A/N: Just go ahead and prepare yourselves for a bunch of Rucas fics coming because I have so many ideas for them that I want to write. If that's not your favorite, I'm sorry, but they're my favorite so I tend to have more ideas for them. I hope you enjoyed this!

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