Everyone- Have a Holly, Jolly, Christmas

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There's just something about New York City during the holidays. Everything just seems...more pleasant.

The people are more complacent and polite during the holidays. The city in itself it prettier and kinder. Everything is wonderful.

It was a beautiful winter day on December 23 in New York City. The rag tag group of six had plans to hang out all day, this being the last time they would see each other until after Christmas. They all spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with their own families, but Christmas Eve Eve was all theirs.

They had first gone to Topanga's to exchange gifts. This being their junior year of high school, the group had finally convinced Riley to stop with Secret Santa and to let everyone just buy a gift for everyone. Riley had relented, as she was a little sick of Secret Santa herself.


About an hour and a half later the group was on their way to their next activity. They had each loved the gifts they had received, and Topanga who had been at the restaurant made sure to get bunches of pictures for the group to have. She had let the kids keep their presents in the back of the bakery so that they didn't have to haul them around all day, and the group had headed off.

They were on their way to Central Park, intent on playing in the snow. Riley was probably the most excited about this, having been humming Do You Want to Build a Snowman the whole way their.

When they finally got to the park, the first thing any of them did was Maya making a quick snowball and throwing it at Farkle. This led to an all out snowball war between the friends.

Alliances were quickly formed, girls versus guys, and bets were made, losers had to buy winners hot chocolate. Then, the groups went off.

The girls decided to go for higher ground, deciding to go on the playground that was basically empty due to the cold temperatures. The boys stuck low, kneeling behind a make-shift snow wall.

Eventually, it was deemed that the girls had won, even though the guys had made a valiant effort. The group decided to wait to get their payment, as they had more snow playing in the snow that they wanted to do.

Riley walked over to Zay, who was off to the side slightly on his phone.

"What are you doing?" she asked, startling him as he seemed to have been in his own head.

"Checking the temperature to confirm that it really is cold as hell out here," Zay said with a laugh.

Riley grew a grin on her face, and cleared her throat as if she was about to sing.

"Do you wanna build a-"

"Absolutely not."

Riley fake pouted, and despite Zay's rejection at the song, the group decided to set to work on a snowman.

After a little while, their cute but slightly sorry looking snowman was finished, and the group decided to go get their hot chocolate.


After hot chocolate, the group walked to Bryant Park, where there was free ice skating. You had to pay for skates, but it was still less money than most places, something that sounded like music to the high schoolers' ears.

Farkle and Smackle were pros at ice skating, taking off the second their feet hit the ice. Zay and Maya followed, not too shabby at it either.

Lucas wasn't half bad either at ice skating. He wasn't as good as the previous four, but it wasn't likely that he would fall unless he was pushed. But he stayed back, knowing that he would be needed elsewhere.

That just left Riley, the one Lucas hung back for. She, like in most everything else she did, was a bit of a klutz when it came to ice skating. No matter how hard she tried, she just had never been able to get the hang of it.

Lucas decided that he was going to teach her to ice skate once and for all. It might result in her dragging him down with her a little, more like a lot, but he was going to do it.

He helped her onto the ice, steadying her within the first second. The two made a lap around the rink with Lucas holding one of her hands and Riley holding onto the side with her other. Lucas didn't rush her, letting her get her footing.

The two had been dating since freshman year, this Christmas having just passed their two year mark.

On their second lap, Riley was able to let go of the side. She fell about six times on the loop around, but it was progress nonetheless.

The pair kept making laps in an attempt to let Riley not need to hold onto Lucas either, but that never came. Lucas still felt accomplished, however, because this was the best Riley had ever ice skated in her life.

Lucas led her into the center, and turned her so that they were facing each other. She placed her hands around his waist, looking up at him with a look that only could be described as love.

"Merry Christmas, Princess," he said quietly to her.

"Merry Christmas, Lucas," she replied, leaning up to kiss him softly.

Maya, not too far away snapped a picture of the two, them not having realized that the Bryant Park Christmas tree was right in view behind them. She would have to show them that later.

The other four in their group eventually came around the two to break them from their trance, making joking gagging sounds at the two.

The group of six made their way off of the ice rink, ready to finish out their day of fun and celebrate the holiday season.

A/N: This fic might be crap, but who cares because IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! (At least where I live). I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday season, and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy!

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