Hunter-Hart Family- Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

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Maya Hart was happy. Her family was great, and she couldn't believe that she had gotten so lucky.

She was sitting in her bedroom, just laying on her bed scrolling through Instagram. It was nearing midnight. She and her mother had had a nice evening alone, Shawn having to work late. Maya had retreated to her room at about 8:00. She made notice of the fact that she hadn't heard Shawn go home, which was unusual.

A few minutes later, she heard the apartment door open. "Hey, Katy, I'm really really sorry," she heard Shawn say.

"You're damn right you're sorry!" Katy yelled.

"I got held up," Shawn started.

"Held up is not getting home at after midnight Shawn! You should have called!" Katy yelled.

By now a full argument had broken out between the adults. Maya tried to tune it out, but nothing she did worked. She was reaching the point of a full blown panic attack. All the high school sophomore could think about was one night many years ago.


Young Maya Hart sat in her closet, the door shut and and her pillow clutched tightly in her arms. Tears were streaming down her face as they usually were during events like these.

"Katy, I can't keep doing this!"

"So, what are you gonna do instead, Kermit?"

Kermit huffed, obviously walking somewhere in the apartment.

"I'm gonna go on a walk. I'll be back in an hour or so."

And that was the last night Maya's father was in her life.


Tears began streaming down Maya's face, the fight between her mother and Shawn escalating.

Her breathing quickened. She was about to have a panic attack, needing to be anywhere but in that apartment.

She threw on some slippers and climbed out of her window, the words she heard said by her mother and Shawn unable to leave her mind.


Riley Matthews was half asleep when she heard the faint sound of her window opening. Thinking she just imagined it, she stayed in her spot.

Suddenly, she heard crying, more like sobbing quite actually.

She sat up quickly, her eyes shooting over to the bay window. There, she saw Maya, curled up in a ball, sobbing and hyperventilating.

"Maya?" she asked, standing up and crossing her room in two steps. "What's wrong?"

"My mom, and Shawn, and-" Maya said, each few words between breaths.

"Woah, peaches. Take some deep breaths," Riley said in as calming of a voice as she had. Maya didn't seem to be calming down, so she did the only thing she knew to do. She put her arms around her best friend and caressed her hair, much like what Maya had done to her when the girl didn't like her.

"It's ok, peaches. It's ok. You're in the bay window. You're safe. I've got you," Riley whispered in her ear. Maya was slowly but surely calming down, the tears having stopped and the breaths becoming somewhat steady.

When Maya sat her head up, Riley thought she was better enough to talk.

"What happened? Why were you having a panic attack?" Riley asked.

"My mom and Shawn got into this huge fight. He got home late, and Mom was screaming at him, which led him to scream back. It was just so, loud and scary. It brought back all these memories of my mom and my dad fighting. It hadn't been that loud since my dad left," Maya explained.

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