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Just like everyday of the endless cycle that is your life, you wake up to the sound of your alarm clock blaring.

"Great another day in that shitty shop..." You mumble tiredly into a pillow while outstretching one of your arms to turn your alarm off. Your fingers search for the cold metal but you can't seem to find it.

You unwillingly lift your head up and off the pillow to see that your alarm clock was half falling off the nightstand.

You lean over the wooden stand, pick up the screaming alarm clock and push the top down, ending its protest and putting it out of its suffering.

After pressing the off button you manage to push yourself out of bed and get ready.

Performing the same act you do every morning, you stumble over to your wardrobe. Your legs feel weak under the weight of your body as they usually do from the constant deprivation of sleep.

Part of you pushes through, knowing that this situation is only temporary. You're currently living in your aunties house, the deal being that you could stay there for a year while you looked for acting work... She has yet to find out that you gave up and started a YouTube channel instead (which isn't even your main source of income).

You pull out your uniform, the sickly green colour of the shirt making you gag and try to mentally prepare for the day ahead.

A sigh escapes your lips as you stand up straight and look in the mirror. In reality you don't know why you put in so much effort, You always make sure that your hairs perfectly straight. You even go through the pain of drawing on winged eyeliner each morning, as if going to work at that store wasn't a big enough punishment. Chloe's idea of love being around the corner at all times must've subconsciously stuck.

After getting lost in your own self pity for the tenth time today you look up at the clock and feel the colour drain from your already malnourished face.

"Shit, I'm going to be late" you shout to no one in particular as you sprint toward the front door to throw on a pair of Doc Martins.

You slam your keys into the door and quickly shut it behind you, running down the street to your car. You really can't be late today. Not after the warning Tina gave you.

Just like yesterday, you take the nearest left and pull up into your usual parking spot at work, no ones ever there as Tina assigns you the opening shifts whenever she's angry at you, which seems like all the time right now.

As you park your car you can see two men in their twenties running around, carelessly pushing one of their friends in a shopping trolley.

It's too early for this shit...

The guy in the trolley has short black hair and a fringe that just about reaches his eyes. He's wearing a pair of black sunglasses, black skinny jeans and a vest top that has two anime girls on it which you pray he's wearing it ironically.

The guy pushing the trolley has brown hair that probably stretches higher than his IQ and a forehead big enough to land planes on. He's wearing a simple choice of dark blue shorts and a light blue tee.

The other guy's got a camera out, he's recording them for something which is evidence by how closely he's following their movements.

It's probably for some stupid Tumblr blog.

He has brown fluffy hair and he's wearing an orange beanie.  He has sunglasses on and a white t-shirt with a frog and some writing on it along with a pair of black shorts.

Since they all looked like they were just having fun you thought about leaving them alone, but then again they're just some dickheads fucking around with a shopping trolley.

You put your head down as you try to ignore them and carry on walking towards the store entrance.

You're greeted by Tina as she stands sternly by the doors, waiting for your arrival.

Oh fuck, she's going to ask me to-

Your thoughts are interrupted almost immediately when she rudely starts snapping her fingers in your face, her signature action at this point.

"(Y/n) I need you to tell those... young men to leave, thank you"  she swiftly turns on her heel and flashes you a sly smile as she leaves, knowing full well that you're the least intimidating person for the job.

"Oh god I'm begging please, help me" you mutter to yourself as you walk over to the three guys, not too sure how to handle this.

You hesitantly tap the guy with the fluffy brown hair on his right shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey, my boss just sent me over. You have to get out of the shopping cart and leave. I'm sorry..." You say looking around nervously, trying to avoid any type of eye contact in fear he'd yell in your face.

"You know what that means boys"  The fluffy haired man-child smirks, looking at the taller guy pushing the cart.

They nod their heads and with that they bolt.

Fucking idiots.

You know that there's no point in chasing after them since the trolley was about to lock as they got further and further away from store grounds.

This wasn't the first time you've had to ask people to stop messing about with the carts so this reaction was becoming routine.

"FUCK!" The smaller asian man with black hair yells as he flys out of the Cart, you couldn't help but laugh at him as his body sprawls across the floor.

"Joji are you okay?" The guy you approached earlier asks in a concerned tone while he tries hopelessly to help his friend up.

"Fuck off max, I'm fine" Joji spits as he continues to lie down on the floor staring up at the sky without a care in the world.

"Learnt your lesson boys?" You say cockily with a smug look plastered on your face.

"Yeah, come on guys we've got enough footage. Let's go" Max shakes his head and looks down at the floor, embarrassment covering his face.

"None of this would've happened if Ian hadn't of broken the wheelchair" Joji mumbles under his breath as he pushes himself up, ignoring Max's attempts at helping him.

"I'm sorry about this" max apologises and nods his head towards you as he backs away.

Ian and Joji awkwardly shuffle away while max takes the shopping trolley back.

A/n: added more detail to filler sentences and context to help later storyline - 30/06/2019

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