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A/n: some people said that they didn't like their name in smut so max will be calling you princess and kitten.

Smoke has filled the room,
it's all you could see,
it's all you could feel,
it's all you could taste.

You'd breathed in so much smoke you felt like throwing up,
your lungs burn with each breath you withdraw. Your eyes burn from the ashes that once made up Max's bedroom. Your throat goes completely dry as you call out his name "max!". You hadn't given up, you simply couldn't move. Max's dresser had fallen over, crushing your right leg.

"(Y/n)" a very distant voice yells back, you can here the struggle in his voice. Someone's holding him back, restraining him.

"She's gone max, you can't save her" Ian shouts, you feel tears spill down your cheeks again but they soon disappear with the rest of your chance of survival.

"Liv, what are you doing?" Ian calls as you hear wood and bricks being moved to the side.

"Saving my best friend, now fuck off" liv growls, coughing from the increase of smoke being taken to her lungs.

You feel your body grow incredibly weak, with all the energy you have left you grab onto what seems like the bed post and pull yourself up.

You scream in pain as you feel the skin tearing off your leg.


"(Y/n), it's okay. I'm here, calm. It's okay now princess" a familiar voice soothes as you weakly open your eyes. Max starts tracing circles on your cheek in an attempt to calm you down.

You slowly open your eyes and blink a few times, clearing the sleep away.

You look down to see that you're in a hospital gown, lay down in a neatly made bed. The room is so white you felt like it was going to give you a headache.

You turn to your left to see an ash covered max that still smells of smoke. His eyes are red and puffy as if he's been crying. His hairs a mess but he has the biggest smile plastered on his face. He looks absolutely gorgeous, to say the least.

What happened? Which on was real? My legs.

You rip the blanket off of your legs and sigh in relief "they're fine".

"Did you have a nightmare? You were shouting and screaming before you woke up" max asks as he gives you a worried look.

I'm so in love with this man...

"It doesn't matter, I'm safe, you're safe and we're together again" you smile as you wrap your arms around Max's neck and pull him into you.

"I was so worried about you" he mumbles into your neck and kisses your cheek.

"You haven't showered since the fire have you?" You chuckle, it's muffled by Max's chest but he understood.

"Nope, I was scared that I'd miss you waking up or that something bad would happen while I was gone." He calmly explains as he starts to play with your hair.

"I love you max" you smile, tears rimming your eyes as you lean in to kiss him.

"I love you too (y/n)" he smiles the same old dorky smile and places a soft passionate kiss on your lips.

"Does the door have a lock on it?" You smirk as you being to kiss along Max's jawline.

"It does" max pulls away with a grin and turns the lock on the door until you hear a click.

Maxmoefoe; why are you calling meWhere stories live. Discover now