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Niall places his hand on your waist and leans into you.

You try to move away but his other hands placed on the back of you head.

You don't want to hurt Niall but Max means so much more to you.

Max... if he saw this he'd be heart broken. He'd want to fucking kill Niall.

Niall moans and pushes his lips harder against yours as you struggle against him.

Fuck, how do I get out of this?

You bite down hard on pyros lip, probably drawing blood causing him to yelp and let go of you.

"Niall you can't do this again! I have a fucking boyfriend" you spit and wipe your mouth.

Niall just sits there panting with tears lining his eyes and looks at the computer.

You run over to your computer, drag the mouse across the page and end the stream.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" Niall begins to cry as he crawls towards you.

"I think it's best that you leave" you stutter out and pick up the empty beer bottles.

"No! Please, I can't lose you!" Niall's crying soon turns into screaming.

"For that last time you're not Fucking losing me! You're my best friend" You shout and throw the bottles at the wall.

"(Y/n) I need you! I'm so alone without you!" He yells and flinches away from broken glass.

"Go!" You point to the door as your voice begins to waver.

"Don't do this" Niall chokes on his words as the tear continue to flow.

He sniffles as he stands up and hesitates, taking a step towards you.

"Out Niall!" You scream as a tear slides down your cheek.

"Goodbye (y/n), I love you" he manages to say and plants a soft kiss on your cheek before he walks through the door.

"I love you too Niall, just not like that" you trail off while pyro closes the door.

You sit down on your sofa with your head in your hands.

Your cheeks burn from the constant flow of tears that slide down your face.

"what do I do? I've hurt him" you lift your head from your hands and look up.

What the fuck have I done? What do I do? Do I tell max? Do I cut Niall out?

"I'm such a fucking idiot!" you scream and throw a pillow across the room.

You pick up your phone and turn it on as you prepare yourself for the images on twitter.

After your screen turns on text messages start to pour in.

Max: Hey, have a good day today princess. Sorry I left so early.

Jess: Whoa pyros streaming! Wanna come round and watch it with me?

Jess: never mind, you're with him. oops.

You sigh and run your hands through your hair while panic starts to seep in.

Why am I panicking? I haven't done anything wrong.

You slam in your passcode and frantically search for the twitter icon.

KING @onision



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