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(A/n: lol I fucked up. Let's pretend max has swapped houses with his auntie so he can stay in America for a year. He's not staying with Ian.)

~readers pov~

"Take me max" you giggle. Grabbing your third shot and gulping it down.

"Don't worry, daddy's got you" max replies with the straightest face he can muster. He's already on his fourth shot. This is only the first story as well.

"Oh fuck this" you say as you read the next line in advance. You really didn't want to get wasted on camera.

"Just do it" max pushes.

"I've been a bad girl daddy, are you going to punish me?" You say looking into Max's eyes. You feel your cheeks heat up.

Play it cool, don't blush. People will be watching this video. If you just brush this off then maybe no one has to know about you and max.

Max gulps and licks his lips. He stares at you for what seems like five minutes but it was only a second.

"On your knees" max commands.

"Whatever you want daddy" you purr.


About half an hour later you'd both taken enough shots to get completely drunk.

"Yo-you know what I think?" Max shouts.

"What?" You reply, slightly cowering away from max due to how loud he's being.

"I love you" max giggles.

You sigh and shake your head. You kiss his forehead.

So much for keeping this a secret...
well, we're not even together yet.

"I love you too max" you smile.

"Maybe it's time we stop recording" you chuckle.

"I'm happy if you're happy," max grins.

"Thanks for watching guys, this was eventful" you hiccup and burst out in a fit of laughter.

"BYE BYE WELL SEE YOU FUCKERS LATER" max half shots half mumbles as places his head on your lap.

You lift his head up and walk over to the camera, turning it off.

"It's not even five and we're already drunk" max sighs as he carelessly lifts his legs up and down, softly placing them on the sofa.

"At least we had fun" you smile.

"Yeah" max smiles back.

you sit down next to max on the sofa and grin.



"What?" You stutter. Your head starts pounding as you wake up. You begin to whimper as the pounding get worse. Your stomach churns and your throat tightens.

Oh fuck, what have I done..

"It's okay. Sit up if you can I bought you a glass of water and some headache tablets.

You slowly push yourself up. Tears slide down your face as your headache gets incredibly worse.

Max sits next to you and rubs your back. "Do you want me to get some ice cream?  we can watch some movies." Max soothes.

You stay silent and rest your head on Max's shoulder. You just nod your head and take the water from max along with the pills. Max stands up and kisses your forehead. You part your lips, let the water and pills slip into your mouth. Max walks out the front door leaving you alone in his living room. You whimper and lie back down as the room begins to spin.


You wake to the sound of the font door closing. "Babe? Are you feeling any better" max says in a calm tone.

You lift your head up from the sofa, your headache not as bad as it was.

Max came into the living room with some ice cream and chocolate. You feel a smile slowly crawl onto your face.

I guess he really cares

You sit up and max sits next to you, placing the food on the table in front.

"what movie do you want to watch first?" Max asks as he snakes his arm around your waist.

"A horror film? Romantic films make me gag" you smile and rest your head on his shoulder.

"Sure" max says hesitantly.

"You're not scared are you?" You tease, squinting your eyes due to how bright the lights are.

"No, I ain't no pussy. Why would I be scared!" Max tries desperately to defend his manliness.

"That's cute, so... insidious?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, I'll protect you if you get too scared" he smirks.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart" you grin and press the play button.


Max clings onto your arm. You're at the part of the movie where the red/black faced demon appears from behind the dad.

"Pussy" you chuckle.

Max coughs and sits up straight, letting go of your arm. "Fuck off" he smirks.

You open your phone and go on twitter.

@maxmoefoe is one of biggest pussys I've ever met.

You watch the notification pop up on Max's phone. He sighs and opens the app to reply.

@(y/n)isnotsexy fuck up, cunt.

You shake your head and look at the replies.

@(y/n)isnotsexy & @maxmoefoe
Can you guys fuck already.

Your cheeks flush and you feel Max's gaze rest on you.

"(Y/n)?" He says.

"Yes?" You reply.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

Guess who back, back again.
Thanks for reading, see you next time ladssss!

Peace peace ✌️

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