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"I'm sorry, it was stupid for me to bring it up" Max stutters while his face turns bright red from embarrassment.

"Are you sure that they'd like me?" You question while ignoring maxes attempts to retract the statement.

"Of course they'd like you" Max soothes as he moves closer to you and places his hands supportively on your knee.

"I'll meet them" you reply softly, a change in conversation was something you need.


"Ready to go yet?" Max calls while repetitively knocking on your door.

A sigh escapes your lips as you pull a t-shirt over your head "ready" you reply.

you walk over to your door and pull the handle towards yourself, you hesitantly peer round the door to see a man with brunette hair stood in front of you.

"you don't have to stand outside my door while I get dressed" you smirk at him as he shuffles around with his hands in his pockets.

"I was just waiting for your lazy ass to hurry up" Max shoots back teasingly as you turn away from him.

"well I'm ready so let's get going" you say somewhat excitedly as you begin to gallop down the stairs.

"Are you having breakfast before we leave or not?" Max questions you while following shortly behind you.

"I'll have a big lunch" both of you know that you're lying but he decides not to push you.

"Alright, just tell me if you get hungry" he smiles warmly as you both approach the front  door.

"Okay" you beam up at him happily as he unlocks the door and holds it open for you.

"How come I didn't meet your parents while we were in America?" Max asks hesitantly as you grow closer to his car.

"I haven't seen them in a few years..." you nervously play with your thumbs while the faint sound of the car unlocking can be heard.

"Why not?" He continues to ask, oblivious to the sadness that's appeared in your voice.

"They paid for me to go to collage and I dropped out to do YouTube. They were so mad at me I've been to scared to talk to them since" you confess while you lower yourself into the passenger seat.

"Have they not tried to contact you?" He continues to push you for information while he starts the car.

"They do, all the time. I'm just too embarrassed to answer them" you run your fingers through your hair as the feeling of regret begins to linger in your mind.

"With all that's happened I feel it's the right time to talk to them again" you sigh as regret soon morphs into sadness, you try to suppress the feeling by turning on the radio.

Tell me that you're alright

"Sorry" Max says quietly while giving your thigh a supportive squeeze.

Everything is alright

"It's fine, honestly" you smile warmly and rub your thumb lightly over the top of his hand.

Oh please tell me that you're alright

"So, what are they like?" You ask as you turn the radio up a bit.

Everything is alright

"What are who like?" He replies cluelessly, forgetting the reason you're even in the car.

Give me a reason

"You're parents, dumbass" you chuckle slightly at the confused look in his face.

To end this discussion

"Oh, yeah" his checks slowly shade into a rosy colour while he smiles in attempt to hide his embarrassment.

To break with tradition

"Well, my dads a pretty down to earth guy. He can be a bit weird when you fist meet him but it's usually him just trying to impress you." He says with a big grin plastered on his face.

To fall in line

"What's he done that weird?" You ask curiously as the wind flows through your hair, making you smile.

Cause I hate the ocean, theme parks and aeroplanes.

"He told some massive bull shit story to George about slitting an avocado seed into the ground and growing a tree" max shakes his head and rolls his eyes slightly at the memory.

Talking with strangers, waiting in lines.

"How do you know that it isn't true?" You say cynically while raising an eyebrow at the brunette boy.

I'm through with these pills that make me sit still.

"He hates avocados" He winces slightly as you turn a corner causing the car to make a screeching sound.

I am feeling fine

"I love that noise" you comment while max is still shaking slightly.

Yes, I'm feeling fine

"I don't love this fucking song, can you turn it off" he returns hit attention back to the road as the car begins to come to a halt.

I'm sick of the things I do when I'm nervous

"Please, love we're almost there" he pleads as you pull up on the curve.

Like cleaning the oven or checking my tires.

"If we're almost there why did you stop the car?" You ask in confusion as you press the radios off button.

"It takes about twenty minutes to find a place to park and it's only a five minute walk" he informs you as he pulls his keys out and unlocks the car.

"The things I do for you" you says sarcastically while slightly raising the left side of your top lip.

"I know, walking down a road is a lot of work" max smirks as he opens his car door.

"Walking down the stairs is my daily exercise, so..." you shoot him a sassy look and smile widely.

He just shakes his head in dismissal as he gets out the car, shuts his door and walks around to open yours.

"M'lady" he says in a high pitch voice while bowing down slightly.

"Why thank you" you step out the car and give him a soft, quick kiss on the nose.

"So, what about your mom?" You continue to ask max questions as you walk carelessly down the pavement, his fingers interlocked with yours.


reasons for being away:
1. Mental health
2. Revision
3. Parties

Thank you for reading!
If you've kept this ;))) you loyal , I respect you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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