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"I'm sorry" max sighs and hugs you gently.

"Why would I do that to you?" You question still hurt by max thinking your untrustworthy.

What have I ever done wrong? Why do I always mess up?

"I just don't like you being around him" max huffs and let's go of you.

"He's my best friend" you argue as you walk over to the sofa because your legs are beginning to shake.

"He can't seem to keep his hands to himself" max counters as he follows after you.

"She's drunk, do you really think that she can give you a clear answer to what you're saying?" Ian chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Oi! I'm not drunk, you spastic" you reply with the straightest face you can muster.

"Spastic?" Ian raises his eyebrow at you questioningly.

"Fucking spastic" you start laughing hysterically and lay down on the couch.

"Can we talk about this in the morning?" Max asks and leans down to your level.

"We can talk about it right here, right now" you stare him down playfully and wink at him.

"Ill see you tomorrow (y/n)" Max smiles and kisses your cheek.

"No I'll see you tomorrow" you grin and wrinkle you nose to stop yourself from laughing.

"Goodnight (y/n)" max sighs and walk towards the door.

"You're leaving me alone again?" You ask nonchalantly and return your attention to the movie.

"I'll lock the door and take the key so no one can get in." He informs you while picking up your house keys.

"And what if I want to leave?" You hiccup and push yourself up while attempting to follow max.

"You can't walk straight so I think it's best you stay inside" he gestures for you to go back to the sofa.

"Whatever" you huff and stick out your front lip.

"night spastic" Ian calls while Max walks over to him.

"Goodnight, Love" he laughs while they both open and walk out of the door.

"You sound like Niall" you mumble under your breath as you feel a wave of sadness roll over you.

"What was that?" Max says and pops his head round the door.

"Night!" You shout at him with a big smile hoping that he'll just blame it on you being drunk.

"Yeah" Max giggles while rolling his eyes at you.


*Bridget jones diary spoilers*

It's been an hour since max left and you've already drank half a big bottle of Smirnoff Ice.

"Wanker! Just hit him already" you shout at the tv as Hugh grant confronts the other irrelevant actor.

"I should've done this years ago" Bridget's current boyfriend says.

"Done what?" Hugh grant replies smugly.

"This" the irrelevant actor (that's name turns out to be Colin firth) smirks and punches Hugh in his smug little face.

"Fucking get it" you yell and accidentally knock your bottle over.

"Look what you did, dickhead" you spit at the tv as you pick up the bottle.

"Fuck me that hurt" the British guy mutters while his head recoils away from the other guy's fist.

"I bet it fucking did" you reply angrily and stumble into the kitchen so you can get a towel.

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