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You gulp nervously and sit obediently at the end of the bed.

You watch his jeans drop to the floor.

The sprinklers suddenly start going off spraying cold water over both of you and a horrible, high pitch beeping begins to pierce through your ears.

The fire alarm.

"Fuck" max yells as he miserably attempts to cover his ears while getting his clothes back on.

"Get out! Quick!" liv yells from the other side of the door while she desperately slams her fists into it.

Reusing my prank? When will she learn.

"Doing what I did to you isn't going to work on us, dipshit" you shout as the cold water hits your face.

"(Y/n) I'm serious!" She yells back but her voice is quieter this time.

"Oh, it's a fucking prank" max rolls his eyes and walks toward the door.

"No shit" you giggle, covering yourself with the now partially damp quilt.

"Liv? The codes 2897, you can disable the alarm now" max yells as he reaches for the door knob.

No reply

He wraps his hand around the door knob and instantly pulls it back. Max screams in pain as he retracts his hand from the metal handle.

"My fucking hand" he shouts, shaking it around, trying to numb the pain.

It burnt his hand...
(That may or may not make sense, it's late give me a break)

"Max" you whimper as you point to the bottom of the door.

Smoke slowly starts to slither under the door frame and into the room causing you to panic.

There really is a fire

The walls start to close in on you,
you feel extremely light headed, your heart feels like it's about to burst out of your chest and breathing is becoming nearly impossible.

The smell of smoke is becoming intoxicating, you can taste the smoke as is circulates round your lungs.

Panic attack? Now?

I'm going to die

"(Y/n)! Come to the window" max shouts from the other side of the now smoke filled room.

"I can't" you being to cry as you try to push yourself up, instantly falling back down, your legs not being able to hold the weight of your body.

"I'm coming, stay calm" max says in a panicked tone as you see his figure draw near.

The door begins to burn, turning the once white door black as max picks you up and starts to run towards we window.

"Hold on to me, okay? I'm not losing you!" Max orders as he opens the window.

You wrap your arms tightly around his neck and your legs tightly around his waist.

He flips his legs out of the window, "hold on tight" he says as he flips himself around causing your back to slam into the wall.

You start to gasp for air as your throat seems to close up. It beings to feel like theses no longer any way of getting oxygen.

"I'm going to jump now, hold my hand and jump with me" he informs you as he safely carries you down onto the conservatory roof.

"Okay" you mange to stutter out as you feel yourself start to lose consciousness.

Max grips your hand tightly.

"Max" you mutter, almost losing your balance.

"Yes?" He replies, looking up at the remains of his bedroom.

"I love you" you manage to coke out as your eyelids become heavy.

"I love you too" he smiles and quickly kisses your cheek.

"On three"
It's okay

No it's not

I can't breathe

I can't move

You both fling yourself from the roof top. Everything seems to slow down as you become seconds away from hitting the floor. Max lands on his feet, his legs bent as he hits the ground. You on the other hand find yourself unable to move.

Your body hits the ground , your head recoils up sharply as it first hits the floor.

Ik it's short,
I'll update the second half tomorrow.
I'm on holiday at the moment so I'm struggling with time.

Thanks to everyone that's voting and commenting!

Big thanks to all of the active readers!

I might delete this chapter idk

Peace peace ✌️

(I only did this so I didn't have to write smut lol)

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