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~readers pov~

You sit down at the table and sigh. You were stressing out way too much over something so small. What's the worst that could happen?
Max could confess his undying love for you in front of all his friends, causing you to have a panic attack? You could fuck up really bad in front of max or his friends?

But, that would mean that max actually returns your feelings... this is just some friends hanging out making a collab video. You had no idea what the fuck the video was even going to be about. Hopefully it's not too weird.


You hear a heavy knock at the front door. "ITS OPEN CUNTS" you hear max shout in response from the bathroom. The handle turns and the door opens. Joji walks in first, then Ian, followed by chad. "Oh no" you mumble under your breath. Ian sits down opposite you and sends you a hateful glare. "Did you guys bring the stuff?" Max says, peaking his head round the corner. "Yeah" joji scoffs as he raises up a plastic bag. "What exactly are we doing?" You ask with a hint of fear in your voice. "Don't worry princess, you'll find out" Ian says with a smirk. You feel a shiver run down your spine at the name "princess". Max sat down next to you; "are you doing to get changed out of your uniform?".

"Oh shit, yeah" you say as you stand up. Max hands you a bag, you look at him in confusion and shake your head.


He's gave you a tux, a fucking tux, the full thing. A white button down shirt, a black blazer with one of the buttons missing and a pair of rather faded black trousers that are basically grey.

"This video better make me a lot of fucking money" you mumble as you do up the tie. The tux looked pretty expensive in all honesty before it was destroyed by the boys. It's a few sizes too big for you but you looked good in it none the less. "I look like I'm about to sell you a cheap ass stolen car!" You yell, emerging from the bathroom.

"What. The. Fuck." You scoff as you lay your eyes on what max was wearing. Max had a wedding gown on, you were starting to feel weird about this video. You hoped it was just some childish costume. Ian came out in his classic minion onesie and Joji was wearing an inflatable sumo wrestling suit.

You prayed this was all a joke and you were going to wake up any minute now... That probably won't happen, you will probably have to "marry" max in this video. You began to wonder what was actually going to happen. They didn't really do cringey stuff.

max ate disgusting things and drank so he'd have some personality when he makes videos. Joji puts on a pair of children's glasses and a brown pilots hat. He then rants about stuff, talks about cringey things or wears a pink suit and does retarded things.
Ian's channel is built on unboxing random Shit and somehow making it funny. At the end of the day they're all massive cunts that do "edgy" things to make "memes" on their channel. But you couldn't deny that you loved it.


"Oi cunt" Ian says as he begins to click his finger in front if you.
"What?" You stutter unsure as to why he was clicking his fingers. "You were staring at the wall for about a minute" joji says with a sigh. "Come on cunts it's time to film" chad says as he walks out of the bathroom and snaps a belt at max. Oh no, no, fuck noooo!

Chads upper body was painted in black and white lines, he had a belt in his hand and the game twister in the other. You were going to be playing a game of deadly twister...

I'm really shit at keeping an update scheduled, you don't have to remind me.

I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I'll probably have more time to write. This story's all over the place but I love it.

Sorry about the short chapter lol

Thanks for 3k ✨

Peace ✌️

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