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"(y/n), hurry up!" Max calls from the bottom of your stairs while impatiently looking at his watch.

"You're not the one moving to another damn country!" you argue while dragging a third suitcase out from your shell of a room.

"Temporarily" Max corrects you with a small sigh while looking down at his feet.

"Whatever" you huff playfully as you take a final look at your now mostly empty bedroom.

A wave of sadness rolls over you, causing a chill to run down your sine as your eyes scan over your room.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady" Max smirks and snakes his arms around your waist, somehow making it up the stairs without you noticing.

"Oh god, you sound like my dad" you gag as he begins to kiss desperately at your neck.

"Ew, killed it" Max cringes at your comment and raises his hands up in defence.

"You're the one that called me young lady" grin with an eye brow raised as you turn to face him.

"Let's take your bags downstairs then" He suggests while nudging you slightly towards your luggage.

"Don't make me regret this Max Joseph Stanley" You scold him and turn around to pick your bags up.

"No need to middle name me, cunt" Max complains and pokes you in the ribs while you pick up the smallest of the three suitcases.

"We're going to be late for our plane if we don't hurry up" You continue to nag him and poke him back playfully.

"You're the one taking so long with your fucking bags" Max continues to moan while dragging your other suitcases carelessly down the staircase.

"Be careful" you exclaim as one of the bags slip out of Max's grip and slide down the steps in front of him.

"Whatever" Max scoffs and flicks his hair out the way of his eyes, making sure that he wouldn't drop another case.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady" You mock as the two of you reach finally the bottom of the seemingly unending staircase.

"Fuck off" he chuckles while steering the bags down next to the sofa.


"Say hi to the camera Ian" Max half shouts with a massive shit-eating grin slapped on his face, while pointing his camera at Ian; who was currently sat in the drivers seat.

"Hey ladies and gentlemen, white-boy seven street here" Ian says unenthusiastically in a high pitch tone as he attempts to mock his younger self.

"Fuck" Joji bursts out in a fit of laughter while involuntarily sinking down into the passenger seat.

"Hey boys, George, (y/n) and Myself are currently on our way to catch a plane back to Australia!" He introduces the video and turns the camera back towards the two of you.

"Don't forget White-boy over there" you chuckle to yourself and nod your head in his direction.

"Um, guys, do you like plasma" Ian continues to mock his younger self while trying concentrating on the road at the same time.

"Ah!" Joji exclaims in a high pitch voice as he continues to laugh at Ian's comments, again, involuntarily sinking into his seat.

"Is this what every car ride is like with you guys?" You sigh as the realisation hits you that you won't be sleeping for a while.

"This is pretty tame for us" Max replies happily while snuggling carelessly into your left shoulder.

"I really do worry about you sometimes" You shake your head while a smile appears on your face.

"I don't see why you worry so much" Max grins shamelessly and slips his arm round the lower area of your clothed back.

"I worry about everything, it's natural at this point'" you say dismissively while looking down at your lap.


"Who takes scissors in their suite case?" Max scold while you drag two of your suitcases behind you.

"They must've just slipped in somehow" you say defensively and look away from max in attempt to cover up your embarrassment.

"yeah but i-"

"can you guys drop it! it's been over ten minutes"Joji whines while dragging his feet behind him in a child like manor.

"sorry George" You both mutter in unison and shoot each other confused looks after.

"Wait, isn't that katt?" Joji smirks deviously at max as he nods his head towards a brunette girl stood at the Starbucks in front of you.

"Oh no, it is." Max winces as the looks over at the girl, he soon snaps his gaze from her and onto the floor.

"Who's katt?" You question the pair and begin to stare as hard as you can at the back of her head.

"No one you should worry about" Max gulps nervously as he looks into your eyes, Obviously you didn't have anything to worry about but your curiosity wouldn't let the situation die.

"she's Max's Ex-girlfriend, they were together for almost two years but he broke up with her before we came out here" George says bluntly while opening his carry on and looking for a drink.

"Oh" You reply, not really sure how to react, it meant nothing but Max seemed to want to hide it from you.

"Can we go sit by the boarding area, i don't want her causing a scene." Max whispers as he pulls your arm in attempt to move you.

"It's almost been a year Max, I think she might be over you" You sigh dismissively and shake him off your arm.

"I think she was over him the second she heard his sorry excuse for a break up speech." Joji chuckles slightly as he pulls an iced coffee out of his bag, a smile now present on his face.

"You never know, our relationship was pretty serious" Max argues with George while hiding behind you like Katt was going to bite his head off the second she saw him.

"It looks like she's over you" You smirk as a 5'10 foot brunette guy walks over to her and kisses her on the cheek.

"I guess she really has moved on..." Max almost whispers sadly as if he's unable to believe the fact that she'd found someone new.

"and so have you?" you say questioningly while watching max's eyes become dull with emotion.

"yeah but-"

"so why does it matter that shes moved on?" you say in a harsh tone, your eyes starting to tear up at the idea he still may have feelings for her.

Maxmoefoe; why are you calling meWhere stories live. Discover now