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Freddie's P.O.V.

"Oh my god." I gasped as I realised who it was.

He giggled and took a seat next to me, "Long time no see, Fred."

"Rory?! A very long time. How have you been?" I was so shocked.

It was Rory.

Rory was the first person I got into a relationship with after I broke up with Mary. He was my first boyfriend. Well. I couldn't really call him that as we just dated on and off for a while. Rory was the first ever man I was with. The first ever man I had sex with.

It was about 4 years ago. He worked at a venue Queen were playing at and we struck up a friendship. And then it turned into dating. But it never went further than that. I wasn't ready.

"I'm great. What about you?" He replied.

"I-I'm good, yeah. What are you doing around here?" I asked.

4 years ago we were the reckless new rock band who had no boundaries, for the band or personally. I went around fucking anyone I laid my eyes on, all of us, even Brian, was on the drug bandwagon. We were permanently pissed without a care in the world. And Rory just so happened to be there when we were wild.

"I moved down here a couple of weeks ago." He smiled.

"Really? And you always said you weren't a city boy." I giggled.

It was one of the best moments of my life at that time. All the excitement of starting out and making it big. Finally getting a contract and getting bookings.
Rory was certainly my type back then, tall, dark and handsome. With a lot cheek to him and a very high sex drive. Brown curly hair and green eyes with a dazzling smile that just melted me every time I saw it. And an impossible amount of wit. He was intelligent, always a turn on for me.

"Times have changed. I had to move here for work. I'm not a roadie anymore. I'm doing interior design now." He blushed.

"Interior design?! You bore. You've grown up." I winked, laughing.

"Somebody has to, Fred. It's alright for you, taking over the world and stuff." He nudged me.

I scoffed, "I wish."

"You still making music with the others? How are they?" He asked.

I nodded, "They're fine. We actually have to finish our new album in the next month but shush, that's a secret." I winked.

I looked at him properly now, he'd aged but only slightly, it was only 4 years ago. He'd put a little weight on but he carried it well, he had some stubble and he dressed impeccably and still had the gorgeous smile and emerald eyes. He was in fact, still indeed my type and still very very attractive.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked.

"Sure, go on then. I'll just have a beer." He smiled, and I felt a flutter go down my spine.

I got us both a beer and we stayed sat at the bar.

"Are you here on your own?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. Believe it or not Roger and John are in a relationship with each other...Brian's also in a relationship with another man." I shrugged.

His jaw dropped, "You're kidding me! I always knew there was something iffy going on with Brian. And you?"

"Me? No. Nobody wants me." I tried to joke but it pained me.

"Fuck off. You're still sexy." He grinned, taking a gulp of his beer.

I felt a blush creeping among my cheeks, "What about you?"

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