Loud And Clear.

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John's P.O.V.

"Roger?! They're back!" I called up to him from the bottom of the stairs once I heard the door opening.

He came rushing down and we watched as Brian helped Freddie into the house, the poor thing had a full leg cast on and was supporting himself with a pair of crutches that he was obviously not used to using yet as he wobbled about.

I rushed up to him and put my hands on his face as he sheepishly smiled. "You fucking idiot." I giggled, pulling him in to a gentle hug. "Let me make you both tea, you must be exhausted." I exclaimed, patting Brian on the back who had awful bags under his eyes, he probably hasn't slept for over 24 hours.

The four of us gathered in the kitchen and we sat at the table waiting for the kettle to boil, it was silent, but not for long.

"I thought you were both fucking dead." Roger spoke up, a teasing smile on his face.

"Sorry, Rog..." Brian tried to hide his smile.

"Sorry? I was out looking for you for two hours last night thinking you drove your car into a bloody river. Only to come back and Deaky tell me that you're both fine and have already been and gone." He shook his head comically.

I made the tea and gave it out to each of them.

"And you, Mercury. Thought you were getting fucking murdered with the way you were screaming last night." Roger cackled.

"Oh fuck, you heard!?" Freddie blushed.

"How could I not?"

"Well it's a fucking good job I wasn't getting murdered isn't it! I'd be lying dead now, shows how much you care, didn't even come out to see what was going on!" Fred grinned, taking a sip of his tea.

"Yeah well...I was busy." Roger replied, smugly. Glancing at me which made a shiver run down my spine.

"Have you finally fucked each other?" Brian suddenly said which stunned all of us, he was really chilling out when it came to sex talk.

"No...not yet. But we can still get busy." A side smile appeared on the drummers lips and he winked at me, I must've looked like a tomato.

"So, is your leg broken?" I asked.

Freddie shook his head, "No. My knee dislocated and I've torn ligaments. Still got to be in this thing for six fucking weeks though." He flicked the pot.

Myself and Rog both gasped, "Six weeks?!" I said, shocked.

"I guess I won't be able to create magnificent performances on stage for a while boys." He looked disappointed.

"We'll cope. Don't want to rush you and then hurt yourself again." I put a hand on his shoulder and he smiled a little.

I glanced over at Brian who had his head in his hand and his eyes closed, I giggled, "Bri? Why don't you go get some sleep? You look knackered."

He stirred and lazily opened his eyes, "Mmm...I think I will." He got up from the table and put his cup in the sink, he walked past and on his way squeezed Freddie's shoulder and gave him a smile.

Freddie shivered a little and tried his hardest not to grin by pursing his lips...and a very slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

Myself and Roger both looked at Freddie as if to say...and what the hell was that?

He realised but tried to change the subject, "I think I'm going to go for a nap too...that anaesthesia really knocks you out..." he grabbed his crutches and struggled to get up from the table.

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